My Favourite Podcasts

Recently, I've (somewhat) given up Netflix once the kids go to bed.

No, it's not because of the nice weather outside. I do live in Manitoba and Mother Nature here is a feisty one, and can't make up her mind on a day-to-day basis.

Honestly, I've started enjoying the house when it's quiet, and movies are proving to be pretty distracting when I have things to get done. And even when I do have down time, I haven't been in the mood to watch anything, because most of the time I want to knit when I sit down, and again, movies are really distracting.

You know what's not distracting?


I've been listening to podcasts for a couple years now, and I honestly love listening to them when I'm doing dishes, sitting down with my knitting or going for walks with the dog. It's been really relaxing, and I get to learn something new too!

I've cycled through quite a few podcasts in the recent years, and I've come to know what I like and don't like when I'm listening. All I'm asking for is don't have a monologue voice, cover/talk about something interesting, and please don't have a nasally voice. That last one really gets me. I actually had to stop listening to one of my favorite podcasts because I couldn't stand both hosts nasally voices anymore (and I really loved that podcast).

So what am I listening to?

Coffee & Crumbs - I've been reading this blog since the beginning, and loved it even more when they launched their podcast. They're honest, funny, and just down-to-earth Moms, who cover a wide variety of parenting/marriage/self-care topics.

Conspiracy Theories - I'll admit, I do have some weird tastes. Ok? And while I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I do like listening to them.

Cults - No, I'm not a cultist either. But it is interesting to hear who these people where before cults took over their lives. Also, it's a bit of history, which I'm a sucker for.

Date Your Wife - Keith got me onto this one. And I'm only 2 episodes it, and I'm liking it quite a bit. I will note that kids probably shouldn't be around if you're listening to this one. I like it because it covers 4 different topics (1 a week), and they're honest about where their marriage was at and how they fixed it.

Elise Gets Crafty – I've read Elise's blog for a couple years, and was pretty sad when she stopped blogging to focus on her business and family. Her podcasts covers quite a bit of small business stuff, and while I'm not into that, it is a nice way to keep up with her.
