Dear Dominique | 4 Years
4th Birthday Baby Girl!
been such a joy and pleasure to see you grow up so much in the past
year. And you constantly amaze me with what you are learning. As
usual, here are some of the top 10 things that Mommy and Daddy love
about you right now.
Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, you're constantly
learning new words. And you talk All. The. Time. Even when you're
supposed to be sleeping, I hear you talking to Violet and telling her
You are constantly on the move, even when you're not supposed to be.
I always catch you running around the house, jumping (even though
there's a strict rule in the house about not jumping), chasing Ruby
the dog around, and just constantly on the go.
You love your big sister and little brother so much. You're always
eager to “help” Violet with the chores, even though you try to
play instead. You help Zach find his soother and toys whenever he
starts getting cranky. And you're always thrilled when Violet comes
home from school.
You are my big helper right now. You love to “help” me make
supper, and do the dishes. You love grocery shopping with me and
putting the groceries in the cart. You love to help me clean,
especially if it involves a spray bottle.
You love being creative. Most days you ask for me to take out the
painting stuff, or the play-doh. You love creating stuff, and you
love to show it off.
You've really been loving Pre-School this year in Selah. It took you
a while to get used to going, but now you get all excited when it's
Pre-School day. And you are doing pretty good in there. You listen to
your teachers, you try to play nice with the other kids and you're
always excited if there's activities and crafts to be done.
You are insanely stubborn. About everything. I do admire how much you
stick to your guns, but man oh man, you butt heads with quite a few
people, Mommy included.
Your current favorite TV shows include Boss Baby, Rescue Bots, Dora
and some Paw Patrol (although I think you might have given up on that
one). You are pretty content to sit down and watch a couple episodes
while Mommy does her Bible stuff.
have huge emotions right now. Most of the time you are pretty happy,
but when you get sad/mad, it really shows.
kind of on the fence about food right now. It's taking you forever to
finish your food at meal times, but you have no problem asking for a
snack 20 minutes later. Although you still do eat quite a bit, so
that makes Mom happy.
you to the Moon and back little girl.
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