Intentions for the Week - April 16, 2018

Hello Monday!

This last week wasn't too bad, and I even managed to get some things off my list as well! I also finished nursing Zach for the last time on Friday, so we spent the weekend at night, just helping him go back to sleep without nursing. I think he finally got the hint after Saturday night (the worst night of them all), and he's only woken up once during the night because he lost his soother. I'm sad to be done nursing him, but it's nice to not be "tied down" for hours a day.

This upcoming week is going to be busy, as Keith is starting up his final exams for College on Friday, which means that he'll be studying his face off, and we've got a couple birthday parties over the weekend (my Dad and Keith's Grandpa). Whew!

Which means that I need to get quite a bit of stuff done during the day/week in order to free up the evenings and the weekend.

This week's Intentions:
- Update Dominique's scrapbook.
- Plan Dominique's 4th birthday party.
- Clean out Zach's room.
- Go to the gym 2x.
- Take Ruby for a walk 2x.
- Go through all the movies and donate unwanted.
- Update some photos on the walls.
- Update Zach's scrapbook.
- Clean the bathroom thoroughly.
- Organize the shoe mess in the entrance.
- Find some new recipes to try for next week.

Last week's Intentions:
- Clear off all flat surfaces in the kitchen and keep them cleaned off (a lot harder than it sounds, but it was manageable).
- Clean the bathroom top to bottom. (Nope)
- Work on my devotions 2-3 times this week. (Did 1 times. Oops.)
- Go through the Winter Bin, organize/match everything up and donate what doesn't fit/not using. 
- Clean up Zach's room so that it doesn't look like a storage room. (Nope).
- Go to the gym 2x.
- Take Ruby for a walk 2-3x.
