The Story of a Rainbow Knitted Blanket

Ok, Ok. I know I said that I'd have this post up on Monday, but I was sick over the weekend, plus working on Saturday and had an impromptu family date on Sunday that took up most of the day. So, here we go.

I'm glad to announce that I finished up Dominique's knitted rainbow blanket! Took me almost 5 months of working on it (although I'm tempted to say 4 months because I really didn't touch it during December). But I'm glad I'm done. And just in time for Dominique's birthday on Thursday.

I am actually quite pleased with how it turned out, being my second knitted blanket and all. There are some holes here and there due to dropped stitches, but I made it work. I did only 6 colours instead of 7, but it still looks good.

Near the end, I basically knitted whenever I had the chance. Kids watching cartoons, me watching a movie, talking with Mom, during Girls' Nights, etc. You get the picture.

I didn't measure it yet, but it's a good size. And no, I didn't count the stitches either. I kind of went with the flow and did as many as I felt comfortable with. Although it is quite long, but still works to wrap Dominique up in it. So cozy.

I'm very proud of myself for actually completing this blanket. Now it's off to do another one!
