Dear Dominique | 1 Year

Dear Dominique:

Today is the day you turn 1 year old. And my how the time has flown. I’d like to say that you remained my little baby, but let’s be honest, you were never little to begin with. You’ve taken up so much space in my heart from day 1 and continue to take up more. It’s a good thing Mommy has lots of room in her heart for all the love out there.

These days, you are not stationary very long, preferring to be as mobile as you can, crawling over things, starting to grasp whatever you can to stand up, starting to take uncertain wobbly steps that will one day lead to you running around the house.
And the noise. Oh girl. You make enough noise to cover you and your big sister some days. But it’s awesome. And I love it. Especially around 6:30 in the morning when you wake up and Mommy and Daddy are just waking up. You sit there in your crib and just babble away to your blanket and teddy bear. And I lay in bed, listening to you talk, smiling.

By the way, I won’t even mention the food that you eat. Let’s just say that you eat as much as your big sister at most meals. End of story.
Surprisingly, you’ve adjusted quite well to Mommy being back at work 1-2 days a week and spending that time with Daddy and Violet. Daddy always makes sure to keep you up until I get home so that I can put you down for morning nap and smother you in kisses and tickles.

Oh, another thing. Adrenaline Baby. That’s all I have to say.
Thank you for the awesome year that you’ve given us and the great blessing that you’ve been.

Love you so much Baby Girl.
