Easter 2015

I hope everyone had a very good Easter!

Here at the Neufeld house, it was a bit busy, but not too much. We had the gathering for Keith's Dad and Step-Mom last week (it was also my father-in-laws birthday), so it freed up a lot of this weekend. Which was good.

On Good Friday, we had lunch with my Mom's side of the family (her parents, siblings, etc) for lunch. Unfortunately, I didn't take photos while we were there, as there wasn't a lot of room for 8 kids to run around and it was very noisy and was causing a massive head ache for me, and I was trying to keep Dominique from getting run over by the older kids who weren't looking where they were going.

Saturday was my first day back at work after my Maternity leave (yay....... ), and we just lazed around the house for most of the day. Bonus part was that both girls did really good for Keith while I was gone and Keith mentioned that he may have found a secret for getting Nique to like him while I'm gone. He won't tell me what though. 

The plan for Sunday was to go to the early service at church (9am) and then head to my Dad's after. But Nique decided to wake up at 6:45am and not go back to sleep. Keith got up and took care of her and let me sleep in. I had set my alarm, but I hit snooze a couple times, and when I looked at the clock, it was 8:15. Oops. And Violet didn't get up until 8:30. So we skipped church this morning. 

We headed down to my Dad's around 11:30 and stayed there until 4:30. The kids had a blast playing around, eating some delicious food, playing some more and doing an Easter Egg Hunt. 

Violet playing.

The kid who eats everything.....

....also needed a bath to wash it all off. :)

It also seemed appropriate the I take some photos of my sister Sam riding her horse Mars for the 2nd time this year. Apparently, he hasn't been notified that he's turning 16 this spring. Geez horse. Luckily, Sam has a Velcro butt and stayed on while he pitched hissy fits about being left behind.

I should note, she's had Mars since he was 4 months old. This is nothing new, and she knows how to handle him. He's not much for being ridden bareback and has hissy fits about that.

Mom, look! Easter chocolate!!

See?? Perfectly fine. Actually, he adores kids and knows to be on his best behaviour.

After we were done at my Dad's place, we quickly stopped by my Mom's for the kids to do their Easter Egg Hunt there, as they weren't able to do it on Friday while we were there. Dominique even managed to participate as well.

All in all, a pretty good Easter.
