Currently 15/52
Reading lots of short books with the girls. Both Violet and Dominique love being read to, and it’s awesome.
Playing Mario Bros. on the Wii.
Watching nothing much this week. I kind of banned the TV/movies during the day and I kind of like it.
Trying to finish Dominique’s blanket this weekend between an Easter gathering and working.
Cooking food for an Easter gathering this weekend with Keith’s Mom and Step-Dad. Lots of food.
Drinking as always…..tea. Although I have been starting my mornings out with a glass of water.
Going to work this weekend. It’s nice to be able to earn a bit of money, but at the same time, I’m working with teenagers….
Hating the headache that has started.
Discovering that Dominique is boycotting her morning and evening naps, except for a 20 minute power nap in the morning and an 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. I’m not sure how I feel about this…..
Starting on plans to learn double sided knitting and make an awesome blanket, possibly this on a smaller scale.
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