Week in the Life 2013 - Thursday Words + Photos
Welcome to Week in the Life for Thursday!
Today I didn't take a whole lot of pictures. But that's how life is sometimes. I'm still exhausted everyday, but that's what I get for being pregnant an running around after an almost 2-year-old.
I took about 20-some photos today, but here are my favourites.
Today’s write-up for Week in the Life:
4:00am - Keith up to go to the gym; last minute snuggles before he leaves
7:00am - Alarm goes off; ignore until 7:30; check Instagram and e-mails while in bed; Violet gets out of bed when I check on her; get breakfast ready of Apple Cinnamon Cheerio’s and bananas
8:00am - Face-time with Keith; finally get Violet out of her diaper (lazy Mommy there. Oops); Violet pees her panties not 5 minutes after going on the potty; And peed another pair 15 minutes after that, I was not impressed; Finally got her to stay dry for a bit
9:00am - Play time for Violet while I upload photos from yesterday ; Violet pee on potty (and very proud of herself); upload new blog post and print out some scrapbooking journal cards for Project Life; play with Violet
10:00am - Work on a layout in Project Life; figure out how I’m going to do Week in the Life; start a load of laundry; get myself and Violet both properly dressed; Violet time-out for a tantrum after me saying no to something
11:00am - Leave to Abe’s Hill so that we can see Brody come off the school bus. Play a bit in the park with Violet. Brody’s holding a girl’s hand when he gets off the bus (such a flirt); walk back home for lunch.
Noon - Lunch of leftover Chicken Gumbo; clean off table and get dishes ready for this evening; clean/scrub microwave (much better!); get Violet ready for bed
1:00pm - Violet in bed; give the kitchen a good scrubbing including counters, table and floors; recharge big camera battery.
2:00pm - Finish cleaning the kitchen; sit down to finally do Bible devotions and journaling
3:00pm - Hop in the shower while Violet is still sleeping (feel like a human again!); Keith home, he tinkers on his computer; do some more journaling (have a lot to catch up on, thank God for laptops); Keith called the mechanic and the car won’t be ready until tomorrow
4:00pm - Still journaling (so much!); Violet up at 4:30, pee on the potty; start getting supper ready while Keith hops in the tub to clean up;
5:00pm - supper done, just waiting on Keith; fold this morning’s laundry; Sit down to supper (Chicken, Rice and Vegetables); start dishes while Violet plays around
6:00pm - Finish cleaning up from supper; make sure everything is ready for Violet to go to Grandma’s place while we go to Cell Group; Drop Violet off at my Mom’s; stop in at 7-Eleven for slurpees; Get to Cell Group
7:00pm - Cell Group Starts
8:30pm - Cell Group ends; go home and thank Mom for watching Violet; go to put Violet back to bed as she was calling for me, she gets out to see Daddy; night-time prayers with Violet;
9:00pm - Tinker on the laptop for a bit; bedtime.
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