Week in the Life 2013 | Friday Words + Photos
Welcome to the Friday edition of Week in the Life 2013.
Today was a bit low on the picture taking. I was either forgetting to grab my camera to capture stuff or sometimes thought of it, but decided to leave it be.
Although I will admit that sometimes as a SAHM, most days get repetitive in one way or another. The dishes are never done, the floor is always being cleaned, finding ways to communicate with the 2-year-old so that she knows what I want in a way that will make her realize that she has to listen to me (oh yes, we're there), potty training; spending time with Hubby and doing stuff for myself.
It's slightly repetitive, but I also know that the next day is a new day full of new challenges. And I embrace that. I also hate to admit it, but I kind of like working out of the house on the weekends. It means that Keith and Violet get one-on-one time together that they rarely get during the week.
Anyways.... here are some of the photos from Friday.
This microwave used to belong to my Grandma Wiebe. It's ancient and now my Mom has it. Still works perfectly.
6:00am - Keith up to go to work; I keep on sleeping
7:00am - Wake up; check e-mails and Instagram; Violet up; breakfast of toast with cheese whiz
8:00am - Violet back down to bed as she’s throwing tantrums and she got up way too early; Do Bible Devotions while Violet sleeps; finish off the grocery list for shopping later; get Violet out of bed (again);
9:00am - Play around a bit and then get ready to go down to my Mom’s place to watch it for a bit while she’s at an appointment and a repair guy is showing up to fix her washer; Violet play around with Grandma’s frogs and I find that Pop Tarts don’t bother my morning sickness
10:00am - Repair guy shows up; fixes my Mom’s washing machine; Natalie and the kids show up to see if we want to go to the big park with them, sure; quickly run home to grab the stroller and change pants for myself; 11:00am - Walk down to the park; let the kids play; Violet goes between the swings and the slides
Noon - Head back home; Natalie and the kids come down for lunch of macaroni and cheese with smokies; Brody and Madison tell me what they’ve learned in Kindergarten and Pre-School; clean up from lunch
1:00pm - Natalie and the kids leave; Violet down for a nap; I watch Season 2 Episode 3 of Sherlock Holmes. Really need the 3rd season to be released soon…
3:00pm - Violet up; Keith home (stressful day at work for him today); go grocery shopping
4:00pm - Home from grocery shopping ($90 later); start supper of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup
5:00pm - Have supper; clean up and start getting tomorrow’s supper ready (it’s a casserole that I can put together now and throw in the oven tomorrow); Dishes
7:00pm - Finally got everything done in the kitchen; sit down with Violet to watch 2 episodes of My Little Pony while Keith tinkers on his computer; do some journaling on the laptop
8:00pm - Start getting Violet ready for bed; Read a couple pages of The Hobbit and then Violet gets to play around for a bit as Keith is in the middle of something on his computer; Violet to bed with prayers, kisses and hugs
9:00pm - Tinker on the laptop a bit before heading to bed myself;
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