Week in the Life 2013 | Saturday Words + Photos

Welcome to Saturday's Week in the Life 2013!

Almost done. Almost done. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

The number of photos are always down for the weekend. It doesn't help that I'm at work until 2pm and that Keith doesn't really take photos. Oh well. That's life.

Today was a busy day as just after I was done work, I had to rush home, quickly shower and change, wake up Violet (who only had been sleeping for 1 hour), get her dressed and ready to go as me and Violet were going with my sister Sam to the city to help Sam pick up some stuff.

Here's a look at Saturday's photos:

Face-time with Keith and Violet

Oh so healthy snack at work.

I think Sam has an addiction of horse bumper stickers......

Keith sent me this photo of the food he made for himself.

Drooling of MacBook Airs

Our supper of Chinese

Violet helping Aunt Sam shop

Having some Daddy play-time

Keith made baked potatoes after Violet went to bed for himself. I'm not a big fan of them.
The Write-Up
5:00am - Alarm goes off; get out of bed, ready for work; arrive at work

6:00am - Officially start work for the day. And it was busy. Luckily I had a helper today as I’m training him to take over for me when I can’t do this anymore. And I’m grateful for that. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to keep up today. IT WAS CRAZY!
2:00pm - Get out of work; home, shower and changed; get Violet up (she only got a 1 hour nap);
3:00pm - Sam arrive; put Violet’s car seat in her car and head to the city; go to Future Shop as Sam needed to buy some new attachable speakers for her TV and found some for a really good price
4:00pm - Go to St. Vital mall; have Chinese food for supper and Keith texted me a photo of the food he made for himself. I married a home-made chef; go to Wal-Mart and pick up a couple things; Sam bought me a cute fuzzy pink sweater
6:00pm - Leave the city; arrive back home; unload Sam’s car and get Violet inside.
7:00pm - Watch 2 episodes of My Little Pony with Violet to wind down for the evening; have some playtime with her
8:00pm - Get Violet ready for bed: snack time, teeth brushing, pyjamas, bedtime story, prayers, hugs and kisses.
9:00pm - Tinker on the computer for a bit; spend some time with Keith; read City of Bones in bed
10:00pm - Sleep
