Week in the Life 2013 - Monday Words + Photos
Hello there!
If you're coming here from Ali Edwards' site on Week in the Life, welcome!
If you're not sure about what Week in the Life is, here's a little explanation: It's basically a chance to document your entire week via photos and words. Ali has some great resources on her website and some great inspiration. I've attempted this project last year, only to burn out on the second day. So I'm attempting it again.
I really do like the idea of documenting the entire week and actually see what we do and how I use my time with and without Violet.
For Monday, I took 36 photos. Not a whole lot, but they do count.
Here's a look:

If you're coming here from Ali Edwards' site on Week in the Life, welcome!
If you're not sure about what Week in the Life is, here's a little explanation: It's basically a chance to document your entire week via photos and words. Ali has some great resources on her website and some great inspiration. I've attempted this project last year, only to burn out on the second day. So I'm attempting it again.
I really do like the idea of documenting the entire week and actually see what we do and how I use my time with and without Violet.
For Monday, I took 36 photos. Not a whole lot, but they do count.
Here's a look:
7:30am - Sweeping my floors before Violet wakes up
7:45am - Bible devotions
7:50am - Face-Time with Keith
8:00am - Play a bit of PvZ 2
8:22am - Work on some journaling from the weekend
9:00am - My sister Natalie sent me these 2 photos of Brody (my oldest nephew) on his first day of Kindergarten. Go Brody Go!
8:51am - Breakfast time!
9:20am - Mr. Payton finishing his milk.
I had Madison and Payton for a bit in the morning while Brody went to Kindergarten for the first time today.
9:28am - Laundry time!
10:11am - Finish watching Brave
10:26am - Can you tell Violet has been here?
10:30am - Figuring out how the zipper works
11:03am - Messy bathroom
11:26am - Playtime
12:06pm - Lunch of Aplhagetties and sandwiches
12:42pm - Someone needed a bath after lunch as she was FILTHY from Alphagetties.
1:42pm - Finally a clean kitchen.
4:00pm - Hello 7 weeks pregnant!
4:04pm - Trying to figure out how to put her shoes on
4:10pm - Some of my Mom's many frogs in her car
4:19pm - In Scrapbook Cottage. She loves the inks.
5:47pm - The laundry loads never end today. Although I am grateful for a washer and dryer that can keep up with all 6 loads today, especially the pillows and comforters.
6:13pm - Reading time, one of her favourite books
7:10pm - Watch an episode of My Little Pony
7:42pm - Violet's night-time snack: 3 small bowls of Mini Wheats, a full banana and a handful of grapes. Holy Hollow Leg Girl!
8:25pm - Violet Bible stories for bedtime
8:29pm - Hiding from Daddy before bedtime
8:47pm - Working on Violet's Rag Rug
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