December Daily 2015 | Day 6

Welcome to Day 6 of December Daily!

Today was a very busy/lazy day for us. Busy as I had to work 6am-2pm, and I did some baking when I got home, but otherwise a lazy afternoon/evening.

I had taken no photos throughout the day, and so when it came to putting this page together, I just decided to go with some filler cards and a bit of journalling. Nothing fancy.

And it works. Really. Do I wish that I had some photos of the baking that I did? Yes. But am I going to agonize over not having them? No. Some days, it just works to do something simple and not too over the top.


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1380"] I used the Hello December Kit on the PL App.[/caption]

It's actually very nice to be able to look at the page and not keep my eye on the photo while trying to read the journaling.

