December Daily 2015 - Day 13

Enter Christmas Tree decorating!

I know I'm a little later than usual putting up my tree. But I wasn't sure if I really wanted to. Not because I don't like putting it together (which I do), but more because I wasn't sure how Dominique would be with the tree. Last thing I need is Dominique pulling the tree down on top of her.

But I decided to throw caution to the wind, said to heck with it, pulled out the tree and took most of the evening assembling it and decorating it with the girls, while we watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

[caption id="attachment_297" align="alignnone" width="1380"]December Daily 2015 - Day 13-1 The "Oh Christmas Tree" stamp is from Ali Edwards "All I Want for Christmas"[/caption]

And bonus part was that I'm starting a new tradition with the girls this year (and kicking myself that I didn't start this when Violet was younger). I decided that each year I'm going to get them a new ornament for the tree (with their names and year on it), and once it comes down from the tree, I'm going to put them away into a keepsake box for them to receive when they are older.

[caption id="attachment_298" align="alignnone" width="1800"]December Daily 2015 - Day 13-2 Journal card is from Hello December 2015 Edition and the stamp is from Ali Edwards "Messy Little Christmas"[/caption]

This years ornaments are Baymax (from Big Hero 6) for Violet and Rapunzel (from Tangled) for Dominique. Both girls love their ornaments and I put them high up on the tree so that they would be out of little hand reach.

Now hopefully my tree will stay standing until just after Christmas!

