Around Here | 48/52
Reading lots of Robert Munch to Violet at bedtime. Current favourite is Paperbag Princess.
Playing lots of peek-a-boo and hiding under the blankets with Dominique.
Watching 3rd season of Once Upon A Time. Almost done.
Trying to get more sleep at night. Still losing that battle (thank you Nique).
Eating ultimate chocolate cupcakes. Yummy.
Drinking more water today.
Doing more clean up around the house and prepping for winter.
Loving that Violet is almost talking in full sentences and can tell me what’s going on.
Hating how tired I am lately. That’s what happens when I get only 5-6 hours of sleep a night due to having to get up to nurse Dominique.
Discovering early mornings. I missed them and the quiet time that I get in between Keith leaving for work and when the girls get up for the day.
Enjoying warm blankets and fleece sweatpants.
Thinking of possibly a weekend away with Keith in February (crossing fingers that I can get Nique weaned before then).
Listening (to) pod casts and music on my iTunes.
Thanking God for every blessing every day.
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