30 Days of Thankful - Part 3

Still going strong on the 30 Days of Thankful project. I'll admit, some days it's hard to come up with something to be thankful about, especially when a certain 7 month old baby is keeping you up half the night and you're functioning on half a brain if lucky.

One more week to go after this.

Day 17: Thankful that I'm able to knit and make some stuff for my girls, even if it will take me a while to finish. In this case, I'm working on Dominique's rainbow blanket.

Day 18: Very thankful for an awesome friend that I have in Lisa. Violet adores her and she's a great friend to confide in about stuff and hang out with.

Day 19: Today (and always) I'm thankful for my Mom. She comes down a couple times a week to see me and the girls (she's not working right now as she's waiting for her hip replacement surgery in the new year) and the kids adore her. And steal all her food.

Day 20: Thankful for this little girl today. She's been keeping me up quite a bit at night (teething or growth spurt, not sure which one), but she makes me smile during the day.

Day 21: Today I'm thankful for my niece Madison. I don't get her down very often since she started school, but she's always a help when she comes down and very loveable. 

Day 22: Very thankful for my Pepe today. It was his 86th (or 87th, not quite sure) birthday today. He's my only grandfather that I've ever known, so just the fact that he's made it this far makes me very thankful for him. 

Day 23: Very thankful that my Dad took Violet for the night last night as it was a rough day with Dominique and I needed a bit of breathing room. The highlight of her night/day at Papa's? Building snowmen. That's all she could talk about when she got home.
