Week in the Life 2014 - Thursday

Day 5 of Week in the Life done! I lost a bit of steam again today with everything, but I still did manage to keep on taking photos and writing down some stuff. It counts, right?

Anyway, I'm running behind schedule this morning with everything, so we'll just get to the photos, shall we?

The Photos:
Number of photos: 20(iPhone) 13(DSLR)

The story of today was that I didn't clean up my kitchen last night, so when I walked into it this morning, this is what I was greeted with. Ugh.

The story of today was that it called for a nice big cup of tea. Pumpkin Spice to be exact.

The story of today was that I was able to do all my dishes before Violet got dropped off and she got a bit mad at me for doing so (she's me little helper in the dishes department).

The story of today was that I had to help my Mom finish cleaning out her old place, and in the process, I had to move all her plants for her.

The story of today was that I almost burst a gut laughing at Violet. "Magic School Bus, Producer speaking. Miss Frizzle. I want pizza."

The story of today was that I completely love this show. 

The story of today was that I am still working on Violet's knit blanket. It was supposed to be ready for her birthday (which was last week), but I fell majorly behind when I let it sit for a while.

The story of today was Violet helping me prep my slow cooker for supper tomorrow. She helped me rinse the potato and put them in the slow cooker and helped stir everything together.

The story of today was that I love how much love there is between the two of them. Adorbs.

The story of today was Daddy getting home on time and the girls getting to spend time with him. Love it.

The story of today was that this is the game I play before bedtime. Gotta love me some Plants vs. Zombies!
