Week in the Life 2014 - Monday

Day 2 of Week in the Life is in the bag! Although today I slacked off a bit on the journaling part. Something about spending almost half the morning at my Mom's place, helping her pack up her house for her move later this week. Oh well. You do what you can do. Right?

The other challenge for today was Violet's tantrums for everything. She's going through a bit of the needy stage right now (either that, or the green-eyed jealously monster is finally coming out), so I had to deal with quite a bit of the 3-year-old tantrums today. Something we have to deal with and (hopefully) shall soon pass.

Anyway, onto today's photos and words.

The Photos
Number of photos: 28(iPhone); 10(dSLR)

The Words
Midnight-6am: Up around 2:30 for Dominique’s feeding and diaper change (peed right through everything)
6-8am: Keith’s alarm goes off, I keep on sleeping. Dominique wakes up, Keith brings her to snuggle in bed with me.
8-9am: All wake up; throw laundry into the washer, get breakfast for me and Violet while Dom sits in her bouncy chair, making lots of noise. play time. Deal with a morning tantrum from Violet.
9-12pm: Nurse Dominique; head to my Mom’s place to help pack for her move later this week. Dominique naps while we pack and Violet plays with her cousin Payton.
12-1pm: Home for lunch; nurse Dominique and put her down for nap; do dishes
1-2pm: Put on Magic School bus for Violet; do devotions and some journaling. 
2-3pm: Watch Once Upon A Time and work on my knitting; play some Plants vs. Zombies with Violet. Deal with another tantrum.
3-4pm: Dominique done nap, nurse; clean up living room and vacuum
4-5pm: Fold laundry from this morning; start prep on supper.
5-6pm: Feed Dominique solid food (avocado and banana), nurse, put down for nap; Keith home, finish making supper. Deal with another of Violet’s tantrums.
6-7:30pm: Eat supper, Dominique up from her nap; Keith and Violet go for walk; dishes; start purging and organizing paper drawer while Dominique plays on the floor.
7:30-9pm: Nurse Dominique for bedtime; Keith and Violet home from walk; Dominique down for bed; shower with Violet; read story to Violet and do prayers with Daddy
9-10pm: Violet in bed; update photos and journaling. Early bedtime.
