Dear Dominique | 6 months
Dear Dominique:
6 months Bay Girl! And you’ve grown so much!Right now you love everyone. Seriously. As long as you are fed and changed, you’ll go to anyone who will hold you. Which helps a lot at church as I rarely get called out for you. The volunteers at church always comment that you love to be held and are such an easy baby. Awesome.
Right now, you love solid food. And lots of it. You are definitely my baby who eats everything by the truckload. I have no problems giving you new foods to try and you just sit there, with your mouth wide open, waiting for me to put more in. You still do like your nursing time with Mommy, as it’s quality time, just the two of us.
Right now, you want to see everything around you and are always curious about stuff going on. You take the whole world in with eyes wide open and I pray that you continue that.
Right now, I think you’re starting to teeth. You’re drooling a bit more and are chewing on anything you can get your mouth on, especially if it’s a teething toy. Fingers also make for good chew toys, especially if they are Mommy’s or Daddy’s. And once in a while, Violet’s hair.
Right now, you are just a bundle of joy and I love hearing your laughter. Don’t ever stop laughing baby girl.
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