Dear Violet | 3 Years

Dear Violet:

I want to remember your enthusiasm for anything and everything. Getting up in the morning and having breakfast with Mom or Dad? Enthusiastic. Hearing Dominique waking up and talking? Totally enthusiastic. Cousins coming down to play? Enthusiastic. Mommy cooking supper and you want to watch? Enthusiastic. Going anywhere where there is water to play in? Really enthusiastic. I swear it’s contagious and I love it. There will be days when you’re not enthralled about anything, and that’s OK. But the days you are? I love them.

I want to remember the laughter and giggles and screeches when you and Daddy have tickle fights. Most of the time you start them by going up to Daddy and either tickling his feet or poking him and then the tickle fights ensue and endless amounts of giggles are heard. And as soon as Daddy stops, you go back for more. Always more. It makes my heart soar when I see you and Daddy interacting this way. And I pray that this continues.
I want to remember your love of My Little Pony on Netflix. You can name all 6 of the main ponies and even starting to sing the theme song. We’ve watched through 3 seasons at least 5 times and you never get tired of it. It’s one of the rare shows that gets your full attention for the entire episode. And when it’s done, you ask for more.

I want to remember the hugs and kisses that you give so freely. To all your cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. You are always ready with hugs and kisses for anybody and I love that. And strangers get a “Hi.”
I want to remember the way you use your manners right now. You’re pretty good at asking nicely for things/stuff that you want, no matter what it is. Cartoons? “more pees.” Drinks? “juice pees.” Food? “tooties/nummies pees.”

I want to remember your love for Dominique. I know that in later years there will be sibling rivalry and you’ll be so made at each other for taking clothes or makeup  without asking and you’ll coming running to Mom or Dad about something she did to you. But right now? You love her to pieces. As soon as she wakes up in the morning, you’re right there, telling her “Hi Donaneek!” and getting her a clean diaper and always making sure that she has her soother close to her. And when Dom is crying, you’ll go up to her and say “It’s OK Donaneek. It’s OK.” And the smile she gives to you is priceless. She completely adores you as a big sister and you play the part very well.

I want to remember your love of books, specifically Green Eggs and Ham. Mommy reads it to you every evening and you’re starting to memorize it and go “Sam I am!” when I pull out the book to read at bedtime. You’ll try to read anything you can get  your hands on: flyers, junk mail, Mommy’s Harry Potter series, your books, anything. And I love it. I want you to keep your love of reading and never let it go. That, my dear, is where some of the best imagination lies and I want you to have a wide and vivid imagination.
I want to remember your love of music. As soon as you hear any music going with a good beat, you are up and trying to dance. What’s even better is when Mommy or Daddy dance with you. Your face lights up like a light bulb and you love every moment of it.

I want to remember you constantly talking and asking questions and want to do everything with us. I’m glad that you like to talk and ask questions and ask for help. Gone are the days when you were quiet. Now if it’s quiet, I’m wondering what kind of trouble are you getting in to.
I want to remember your love of rocks and sticks. No matter where we are, you will always find a rock or stick to take with you. And then you’ll try to keep them in the house and keep them hidden in your pockets until I do laundry and hear them rattling around in the dryer.

