Week in the Life 2014 - Sunday

This week marks the start of Week in the Life, hosted by Ali Edwards. Week in the Life is basically documenting your entire week via words and photos. 

This is the 2nd time doing WITL, and I absolutely love it! It's nice to actually document the day-to-day stuff that goes on, and now with 2 kids, it will be interesting to look back on this. I'm using a notebook to mark down stuff every hour or so and then in the evening (or next morning), I'll upload my favourite photos and the day's journaling to blog. It will be exciting to see what this week brings.

As for equipment, I'll mainly be using my iPhone as well as my DSLR. My iPhone is on me all the time and when we're home, I'm going to try to make more use of my "big" camera.

Now, onto Sunday's photos and words!

The Words
Midnight-6am: Woke up around 2:30am for Dom’s feeding and diaper change. She was not a happy camper about her diaper and screamed loud enough to probably wake the entire house.
6am: Up again for Dominique. Took 2 full feedings to get her back to sleep. Violet joined us in bed after bad dreams and slept in Keith’s arms. 
8-9am: Violet sleeping on my side of the bed with me.
9-10am: Both girls up and squawking. Violet checks on Dom and I get up and dressed. Change Dom’s diaper and let her cuddle Daddy in bed while I get Violet breakfast of Fruit Loops. Quickly check email and Instagram. Keith and Dom up; some family time and let the kids play. Make coffee (Keith) and tea (me). Play some Plants vs. Zombies on the phone for a bit. “I can’t hear you. I’m hiding!” - Violet.
10-11am: Nurse and change Dominique; get Violet changed. Grab some oranges to eat before heading to church.
11am-12:30pm: Church
12:30-1:30pm: Get out of church and collect the girls from Sunday School classes; head to Winnipeg. On the way there was the following conversation:
Me: look Violet, horses! (in a pasture we were driving by)
Violet: no, cows! (that’s what Daddy calls them)
Keith: giggling.
1:30-4:30pm: Family Date in Winnipeg. Mainly at St. Vital mall with lunch from Chinese and Greek in the Food Court; Dom ate an entire container of baby food, a couple bite-sized pieces of fries and a feeding from me. Keith and Violet went walking while I was nursing Nique. Ran into Natalie and Brett and chatted for a bit. Found Keith and Violet at HMV; Keith heads to Games Workshop while I take the girls to the Play Park to let Violet and Dominique play around. Dom was getting tired around 4:30pm, so we headed home.
5:30-7pm: Got back home, both girls were sleeping. Dom woke up when we took her out of the car, but Violet kept on sleeping when Keith brought her inside. Gave Nique a nursing and then woke up Violet. Let the girls play and watch 2 episodes of My Little Pony on Netflix.
7-8pm: Give Nique her bedtime nursing and get her ready for bed. Violet has her night-snack and bedtime story with me. Usual routine of tucking her in and saying bedtime prayers with Daddy.
8-9:30pm: Load up all photos onto computer and start journaling. Have a nice hot bath, complete with candles and crawl into bed for an early bedtime.


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