2013 Christmas Moments
Once again, Christmas has come and gone. And like always, way too fast and too busy. 1) We spent the afternoon/evening of the 22nd at Keith's sister's place with his Mom and siblings. Violet had a blast and it was nice to get a gathering out of the way before the Christmas rush. 2) Christmas Eve didn't start off the way I wanted it to. I ended up burning my wrist when my kettle spit boiling hot water on me and it ended up giving me a second degree burn right where the wrist bends. Ouch. The rest of Christmas Eve was spent at my Mom's place. Again, Violet had a blast opening up her gifts and playing with her cousins. My sister Sam had me for Secret Santa, so I got gift cards to Michaels and Build-A-Bear Worksop. Keith got his Secret Santa from Brett in the form of a gift card for Games Workshop. 3) Christmas morning started off with my Mom joking us for a waffle breakfast, followed by us opening our family gifts. Violet got her tricycle that we picked up in the States an...