Week in the Life 2018 | Wednesday Words + Photos

7am | I wake up with my alarm, and hear Zach happily chatting in his crib. I get up and get changed, start the coffee and prep Zach's breakfast.

7:15am | Keith is up and gets Zach from his crib, Dominique wakes up and I have to wake up Violet. Get the kids eating breakfast and Violet gets ready for school.

8am | My babysitting charge Sandra gets dropped off for the day, Violet reads 2 books before school and I start laundry.

8:30am | Violet leaves for school and I do dishes and kitchen clean-up. Dominique keeps both babies entertained with music and makes sure that they don't steal each others pacifiers. Once I'm done dishes, both babies go down for their morning naps.

9am | I start making dough for pizza buns, reheat my coffee, switch laundry, put Ruby outside for a bit (with supervision as she's starting her first heat cycle) and sit down to work on yesterday's blog post, check e-mail and update my journal while Dom does some painting and watching cartoons.

10:30am | Switch laundry (I'm washing all the winter stuff before putting them away until next winter), get the babies up from their nap and change diapers.

11am | Start on the pizza buns while the babies play on the floor and Dominique watches Sleeping Beauty. Zach decides to start having a complete meltdown while I finish up the pizza buns. 

11:30am | Finally done with the pizza buns and clean-up and give the babies their snack of popcorn twists. Seems that I found Zach's new favorite snack!

12pm | Lunch time.for everyone. Me and Dominique has leftovers from the fridge, while the babies get purees and a snack. Once I'm done feeding the babies, I switch laundry (again), get my chocolate chip cookies going, and do dishes. Dominique finishes watching Sleeping Beauty, and once I'm done with dishes, I put Zach and Sandra down for their naps. 

1:30pm | Get Dominique down for her nap, switch the last load of laundry into the dryer, switch the pans of cookies in the oven, and take Ruby outside. Once we're back inside, I continue cleaning up my kitchen from the baking explosion that happened.

2pm | I finally sit down on the couch, scroll on IG for a bit and work on my knitting project. I'm currently working on 
the Sherlock Holmes square for Dominique's Geek-Along blanket.

3pm | Sandra gets picked up and I go back to my spot on the couch. Dominique joins me shortly after and gives me some snuggles.

4pm| Violet walks in the door from school, so I start on supper while the girls have a snack. Get Zach up from his nap and start folding the mountain of laundry that is residing on my bed. Get the girls started on their laundry.

5:15pm | Keith is home from work, so we sit down for supper. Zach finishes his puree pretty quickly, so I give him a small container of mashed potatoes, which he is more than happy to eat.

6pm | Supper is done, so I do round 3 of dishes, while the girls work on their laundry and Zach finishes up his mashed potatoes. I find that one of our bowls has cracked and we're down to 2, which pisses me off a bit.

6:30pm | I put Zach in the tub as he's covered in mashed potatoes. The girls finally finish their laundry, so they get their painting stuff out to keep them occupied. Keith starts taking apart all the hoses and stuff for the dishwasher 
and removing it, as we had ordered a new one a couple days ago.

7:30pm | All 3 kids get kicked to bed. The girls were starting to have issues with listening and not doing as they were told. So bed it is.

8:15pm | Keith starts checking on the sliding mechanisms for the drawers and Ruby decides that she needs to help Daddy as well. That dog has no personal space at all. I do a 4th round of dishes, prep coffee for the morning and make some tea for me and Keith before chilling for the rest of the evening.

Numbers for the Day:
Steps taken: 5,495
Hours slept: 7.5 hours
Cups of water: 2
Cups of caffeine: 2
Loads of laundry: 4
Rounds of dishes: 4
Texts/Messages: 8
Calls: 1
Meals in: 3
Meals out: 0
Weather: High 16*/Low -3*
