Week in the Life 2018 | Saturday Words + Photos

Saturdays are for sleeping in while the kids watch cartoons quietly. So glad that the girls know how to put on Netflix and pick their cartoons sit there quietly.

Saturdays are for Daddy making pancakes for breakfast. The girls really love when Daddy makes breakfast.

Saturdays are for cleaning out the girl's clothes closet and Lego corner. I took out almost half of their clothes from their closet and it looks so much better! We also cleaned up the mess that was the LEGO corner and it looks a bit better.

Saturdays are for running errands and washing the van. Violet joined me and we got Slurpees while we did our errands.

Saturdays are for Daddy working in the garden and starting to prep it for planting.

Saturdays are for Dominique being silly and pretending to wash my cupboards with a sponge. Love her enthusiasm.

Saturdays are for writing down everything on the whiteboard. It's where I keep track of our menu plan, shopping lists (regular shopping and Costco), and baby food to make.

Saturdays are for Violet trying on Daddy's t-shirt and sweater to see if they were as comfortable as Mommy makes them out to be. She agreed with me 100%.

Saturdays are for spending time at the in-laws. We celebrated Mother's Day at the Neufeld's in the afternoon, and it was good. We had lots of food, the kids ran around outside the entire time and it was just relaxing.

Saturdays are for reading bedtime stories and prayers with the girls before bed. It's our usual routine and they love it.

Saturdays are for Keith picking up Booster Juice for the both of us. Yummy!!

Numbers for the Day:
Steps taken: 5,029

Hours slept: 7h 12min
Cups of water:
Cups of caffeine:
Loads of laundry: 0
Rounds of dishes: 3
Texts/Messages: 9
Calls: 1
Meals in:
Meals out: 0
