Week in the Life 2018 | Thursday Words + Photos
| Get woken up by Ruby (the dog) making a ton of noise in her Kennel.
Go to see what the issue is and walk into the living room smelling
like dog shit. Turns out that Ruby had shit in her kennel and needed
to go out again. Let her out, clean up the mess as best I could,
bring her back in and crawl back into bed.
| Keith is up and going to the gym and suggests that I drag my butt
out of bed to clean up the rest of the dog shit mess before the kids
get up. And he bribes me with coffee. So I get up, kick Ruby outside
again, take apart her giant pillow (ewww....), throw it in the washer
and then realize that she had gotten liquid shit behind her kennel
and on the carpet. Which means that I had to bust out my cleaning
supplies, clean her kennel and my carpet, throw baking soda on the
carpet and now wait for it to dry before I can vacuum it up.
| Sit down with some hot coffee and my book study. Might as well do
something productive until the kids get up. Ruby is sleeping in the
hallway in front of the girls' door. I think she knows I'm a bit
pissed off at her.
| Keith gets home and I get the kids' breakfast stuff ready.
Dominique comes walking into the kitchen. She's always my first one
up. I go wake up Violet and then Dominique helps me get Zach up and
get him fed before he starts whining too much. Keith worked on
cleaning up Ruby's shit mess and managed to get it mostly cleaned
| The girls quickly get dressed while I change Zach and get stuff
ready for Mom's Group/Pre-School. Violet gets her stuff ready for
school, so she sits down on the couch with Dominique and reads all 3
books in her book bag.
| Violet leaves for school and I get the other 2 ready to head out.
Keith had mentioned that I could get coffee from McDonald's as long
as I drop him off one as well. Once we get to McDonald's, I get both
of us coffee, as well as a breakfast sandwich for me and a hashbrown
for Dominique. Drop off Keith's coffee at his work and he comes out
to the van to say Hi to the kids.
| Arrive at church for Mom's Group/Pre-School. Get Zach dropped off
in the Nursery and drop off Dominique in Pre-School. Today is the
last day for Mom's Group and it's a brunch day! Which means that my
plate is loaded with good food. We have some awesome conversation and
| Mom's Group is done, so I pick up both kids, chat with some mom's
for a bit and then load the kids in the van and head home. Once we're
home, we let Ruby outside, have lunch, clean up the kitchen and
vacuum up the remainder of Ruby's mess. At least the smell went
| I woke up a bit later than I wanted to, but at least I feel more
rested. I let Ruby outside, grabbed something to drink and then
worked in garden, pulling the rest of the weeds from the strawberry
| Done pulling weeds, get Dominique and Zach up, Violet gets home
from school and the girls start on their chores
| Keith gets home from work, we sit down for supper, and then Keith
puts on his roller blades and takes Ruby for a run. Turns out that it
was a good idea, as it gave her a good workout.
| I put Zach in the tub while the girls paint at the table. Being
grounded from all screens seems to be good for their creative
| Once Zach gets out of the tub, I do the dishes, the girls have
snacks, I finish the menu plan for next week, sanitize the soothers,
and put the girls in the tub.
| Keith puts Zach in bed, I do story and prayers with the girls.
| I head to the gym for the first time in over a month. It felt good
to get out and exercise. I grabbed a hot dog from 7-11 on the way
home as I was hungry. Once I'm home, I grab a shower and then go to
for the Day:
Steps taken: 6,749
Hours slept: 7hr 35min
Cups of water: 2
Cups of caffeine: 3
Loads of laundry: 0
Rounds of dishes: 3
Texts/Messages: 7
Calls: 0
Meals in: 3
Meals out: 1
Steps taken: 6,749
Hours slept: 7hr 35min
Cups of water: 2
Cups of caffeine: 3
Loads of laundry: 0
Rounds of dishes: 3
Texts/Messages: 7
Calls: 0
Meals in: 3
Meals out: 1
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