Week in the Life 2016 - Starting Up Round 3

Next week (June 6-12), I'm making my 3rd attempt at documenting Week in the Life this year.

Yes, 3rd attempt. The week that Ali Edwards was doing this project was a really rough emotional week for me. So I decided to move it to the week after and then my house got it with the flu bug really bad. I gave myself some time to get over the flu/cold that I had (I lost my voice for almost a week) and now I'm making the effort to prepare for some hardcore documenting.

My Reason Why:

I've been doing this project since 2013 (I think), and I love it. I love seeing what we do day-to-day, I love seeing the little things that I miss, I love seeing our routines everyday and the new things we explore and learn. I love seeing the girls grow up and expand their knowledge and vocabulary. I love jotting down the random stuff that they say.

Equipment I'm Using:

This year I'm trying to focus more on taking photos with my DSLR, as well as my iPhone6S. I love the portability of my iPhone, but I like taking photos at home with my DSLR, as I can control it a lot more.

How I'm Documenting Our Words/Thoughts/Feelings:

For documenting my words this year, I'm keeping it pretty simple. I'm using the DayOne App for all my journaling during the day. I'm also using a different prompt for each day (around here, currently, timeline, etc) just to switch things up a bit. I'm also going to be doing a numbers tally at the end of each day (FitBit steps, weather, loads of dishes, laundry, diapers changed, etc). Usually I go for a more factual tone throughout the day, but this time around I'm going to try to add more thoughts/feelings into it. Not sure how I'm going to be doing that, but I'm still figuring it out.

Figuring out Photos for the Week:

I've figured out a while ago that if I have a plan and a list for what photos I want to take, it's easier for me to stick to it than just to wing it. So I've gone through quite a few blog posts and Pinterest ideas and have come up with a list of photos that I would like to take throughout the week. I also made notes to include more of myself and Keith in the photos as well.

Posting/Social Media:

I'll be sharing on here the next morning (as long as I can finish posting the night before), as well as Instagram (jen_neufeld).

See you next week!



  1. […] I posted on my Getting Started post, I’m using a different prompt for each day. Today’s prompt […]

  2. […] I posted on my Getting Started post, I’m using a different prompt for each day. Today’s prompt is Timeline. I usually […]

  3. […] I posted on my Getting Started post, I’m using a different prompt for each day. Today’s prompt is Saturday’s are […]


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