Week in the Life 2016 - Monday
Welcome to the start of my Week in the Life! If you're not familiar with the concept of Week in the Life, I suggest that you check out Ali Edwards who started this while thing and check out a couple of her posts to get a better feel for it.
In short, Week in the Life is about documenting your week, as it is right now. Lots of people document this lots of different ways. This week I'll just be focusing on posting my words and photos here on the blog and next week, I'll focus on putting it into a photo book.
Like I posted on my Getting Started post, I'm using a different prompt for each day. Today's prompt was Around Here, which was a great one to start off the week.

Around here, this morning started around 7:30am when the girls woke up. Both girls were wide awake and ready to start the day! I’m a little bit slower to wake up, but once I’m moving and have some hot tea in front of me, I’m ready to face the day.

Around here, Keith took the car to work (instead of the scooter) because it had been raining in the morning.

Around here, I work in my planner for things that need to be done for the rest of the week. It helps keep me on track for stuff/appointments that I need to do.

Around here, I prep my dough for the bread machine to make pizza buns this morning. I haven’t made them in a while and they’re always good to have in the freezer for a quick snack or lunch for work.

Around here, Monday’s mean that it’s laundry day. Luckily today is just regular laundry, no bedding. Which means that I only have 2 loads to do.

Around here, the girls love playing and running around with each other while I sit on the couch and work on some knitting.

Around here, the morning cartoon of choice is VeggieTales.

Around here, I get working on making some Sausage Breakfast Wraps to have in the freezer.

Around here, I make the pizza buns, seeing as the dough is ready. Just meat and cheese pizza buns, but they’ll be devoured up in no time.

Around here, I’m hearing Violet say over and over again “Ruff! Light saber! Destroy!!” Thank you Paw Patrol and Star Wars.

Around here, Dominique really loves putting her bear Yellowy to sleep on the couch with her blanket and giving him kisses.

Around here, Violet’s making it her mission to find all the broken crayons that are laying around the house so that we can eventually melt them into crayon hearts.

Around here, I clean the mats in the entrance way and sweep and wash in there. It was really messy after winter and all the rock salt brought in, so it looks much better that it got all cleaned up!

Around here, while Dominique has her afternoon nap, me and Violet go outside. She plays around while I mow the yard.

Around here, me and Violet found a caterpillar outside. She’s completely fascinated by it and starts asking a million questions about it. Love her enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge.

Around here, Keith brought home a 5lb box of hot dogs from our local fresh meat deli. They’re so good!

Around here, we’re having Jambalaya for supper. The girls quickly devoured their bowls, so I know that it was good!

Around here, I let the girls watch a movie after supper. Brave (Merida) was the choice of both girls.

Around here, Dominique always helps me with dishes. As soon as she hears the water running, she grabs one of the chairs, pushes it over to the sink and “helps” me with dishes.

Around here, we’re trying to stagger the girls’ bedtimes so that they aren’t playing so late into the night. Downside of them sharing a room. Dominique goes to bed first and she’s not to happy that Violet isn’t with her, so she is determined to stand at the baby gate and scream at me for a bit. Me and Violet sit at the table for a bit; me working on my laptop and Violet playing with Lego.

Around here, me and Violet go for a walk once Dominique is in bed to get some Slurpee’s. It’s a much needed walk for both of us, and a much needed sugar boost for me.
Day by Numbers:
Fitbit Steps: 9,398
Loads of Dishes: 2
Loads of Laundry: 2
Beverages Drank: 5
Diapers Changed: 4
Uploads to Instagram: 1
Texts Sent: 6
Meals In: 3
Meals Out: 0
Weather: 18*C (high)/6*C (low)
Photos/Video taken (before edit): 158
Photos/Video taken (after edit): 63
In short, Week in the Life is about documenting your week, as it is right now. Lots of people document this lots of different ways. This week I'll just be focusing on posting my words and photos here on the blog and next week, I'll focus on putting it into a photo book.
Like I posted on my Getting Started post, I'm using a different prompt for each day. Today's prompt was Around Here, which was a great one to start off the week.

Around here, this morning started around 7:30am when the girls woke up. Both girls were wide awake and ready to start the day! I’m a little bit slower to wake up, but once I’m moving and have some hot tea in front of me, I’m ready to face the day.

Around here, Keith took the car to work (instead of the scooter) because it had been raining in the morning.

Around here, I work in my planner for things that need to be done for the rest of the week. It helps keep me on track for stuff/appointments that I need to do.

Around here, I prep my dough for the bread machine to make pizza buns this morning. I haven’t made them in a while and they’re always good to have in the freezer for a quick snack or lunch for work.

Around here, Monday’s mean that it’s laundry day. Luckily today is just regular laundry, no bedding. Which means that I only have 2 loads to do.

Around here, the girls love playing and running around with each other while I sit on the couch and work on some knitting.

Around here, the morning cartoon of choice is VeggieTales.

Around here, I get working on making some Sausage Breakfast Wraps to have in the freezer.

Around here, I make the pizza buns, seeing as the dough is ready. Just meat and cheese pizza buns, but they’ll be devoured up in no time.

Around here, I’m hearing Violet say over and over again “Ruff! Light saber! Destroy!!” Thank you Paw Patrol and Star Wars.

Around here, Dominique really loves putting her bear Yellowy to sleep on the couch with her blanket and giving him kisses.

Around here, Violet’s making it her mission to find all the broken crayons that are laying around the house so that we can eventually melt them into crayon hearts.

Around here, I clean the mats in the entrance way and sweep and wash in there. It was really messy after winter and all the rock salt brought in, so it looks much better that it got all cleaned up!

Around here, while Dominique has her afternoon nap, me and Violet go outside. She plays around while I mow the yard.

Around here, me and Violet found a caterpillar outside. She’s completely fascinated by it and starts asking a million questions about it. Love her enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge.

Around here, Keith brought home a 5lb box of hot dogs from our local fresh meat deli. They’re so good!

Around here, we’re having Jambalaya for supper. The girls quickly devoured their bowls, so I know that it was good!

Around here, I let the girls watch a movie after supper. Brave (Merida) was the choice of both girls.

Around here, Dominique always helps me with dishes. As soon as she hears the water running, she grabs one of the chairs, pushes it over to the sink and “helps” me with dishes.

Around here, we’re trying to stagger the girls’ bedtimes so that they aren’t playing so late into the night. Downside of them sharing a room. Dominique goes to bed first and she’s not to happy that Violet isn’t with her, so she is determined to stand at the baby gate and scream at me for a bit. Me and Violet sit at the table for a bit; me working on my laptop and Violet playing with Lego.

Around here, me and Violet go for a walk once Dominique is in bed to get some Slurpee’s. It’s a much needed walk for both of us, and a much needed sugar boost for me.
Day by Numbers:
Fitbit Steps: 9,398
Loads of Dishes: 2
Loads of Laundry: 2
Beverages Drank: 5
Diapers Changed: 4
Uploads to Instagram: 1
Texts Sent: 6
Meals In: 3
Meals Out: 0
Weather: 18*C (high)/6*C (low)
Photos/Video taken (before edit): 158
Photos/Video taken (after edit): 63
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