Dear Dominique | 10 months

Dear Dominique:

You’re 10 months old today and here’s 10 things about you currently.
1) You have a HUGE appetite. Yes, it’s the first thing I thought of. You have no problem polishing off anything I give to you to eat and always ask for more. You eat anything that is in front of you and have no problem trying new foods. Current favourite foods are chicken, sweet potatoes, and any fruit that’s available.
2) I’m overjoyed to report that you are fully weaned from boob juice AND sleeping through the night! It makes everything go much smoother know that you’re not dependent on Mommy for nursing and we both get some good solid sleep as well. You normally go down around 8pm after a nice hot bath and I don’t hear a peep out of you until you wake up in the morning.
3) You are curious about everything. Is this food on the floor edible? What about this toy? Those cords? What happens if I play with the door? It’s fun to see you explore your world with your eyes wide open to everything around you and just taking it all in. And the bonus part is that you learn from all of this. You’re learning not to close the doors on your head, learning not to play with cords when Mommy says no, and learning how stuff works and what to avoid.

4) You are always mobile. It’s a bit liberating and scary for Mom at the same time. Liberating because now you can make your way across the house crawling army style and I don’t have to carry you everywhere. Scary because you’re FAST! It doesn’t take you long to go from one room to another without me noticing. Unless Violet is calling you and I hear you giggling while you follow her wherever she is going. You don’t like sitting still unless you’re in the highchair and eating. Sitting and snuggling with Mommy or Daddy seems like a chore for you, as you only last 1-2 minutes before wanting out of our arms and moving around on the floor again. Good thing I can close the doors to keep you out of where you aren’t supposed to be.
5) You make some of the most hilarious faces. Your favourite right now is scrunching up your face and snorting through your nose and then giving a stink eye to anyone who is close by. I swear you do it to make people laugh and then laugh along with them.

6) Right now you have 5 teeth: 2 on the bottom and 3 on top. Although your smile looks goofy right now because your top teeth are a bit spaced out to make room for other teeth coming in. And you love to chew on anything with those sharp teeth of yours.
7) You are my early morning bird right now. You love getting up with Mommy and Daddy around 6:30 during the weekdays so that you can have breakfast with Daddy before he goes to work. You are always happy to be up early and then promptly stuff your face with food.

8) You love music blaring through the house at all times, especially Weird Al Yankovic. I don’t know why, but you really love his music/parodies and sometimes the only way that you’ll sit in Daddy’s lap is if he had Weird Al Yankovic music videos playing on YouTube. But really, any music gets you going and you’re even starting to bob around and dace a bit!
9) You adore your big sister Violet. You’re always looking around for her, following her everywhere and laughing with her. You love the attention she gives you and just soak it all up. I love seeing you two play together.

10) You are a love bug. You love to be held and played with and have lots of interaction with. And you soak it all up.

Keep on growing little one.

