Currently | 6/52
Reading Unsinkable by Abby Sunderland. I’ve been on a biography kick lately and loving it. Although I’m not intrigued by sailing (as this is what the books about), if it can capture my attention past the first 2 chapters, I’m in.
Playing LittleBig Planet on the PS3 with the girls. I swear they love watching me play and get frustrated with some levels.
Watching season 4 of Supernatural (finally!!), along with lots of VeggieTales with the girls.
Trying to start carving out time for myself during the day/evening so that I can spend time with Keith after the girls are in bed.
Cooking pizza buns for snacks. They don’t last long in this house!
Eating homemade pizza for supper tonight.
Texting my sister Sam about Supernatural. She’s way further along than I am (she’s on season 10) and likes to give me teasers about what’s coming up.
Going to a Tupperware party this weekend. I’m not big on them, but my SIL is hosting it, so I’ll play the nice family member.
Loving that the girls are waking up around 7am so that they can see Daddy before he goes to work during the week.
Hating that Dominique thinks that every day needs to start at 6:30am. Including weekends. Bleh.
Discovering that I love scrapbooking on the Project Life App (only available on iDevices). Makes everything much simpler for me and I don’t have to haul out anything!
Thinking of what to do for Valentine’s weekend. Maybe sending the kids away and having a night in for me and Keith.
Feeling a bit under the weather still.
Hoping (for) this weekend to go smoothly. I’m done nursing Dominique as of last night, so I’m hoping that she’ll adjust nicely to not getting nursed during the night. Wish me luck!
Playing LittleBig Planet on the PS3 with the girls. I swear they love watching me play and get frustrated with some levels.
Watching season 4 of Supernatural (finally!!), along with lots of VeggieTales with the girls.
Trying to start carving out time for myself during the day/evening so that I can spend time with Keith after the girls are in bed.
Cooking pizza buns for snacks. They don’t last long in this house!
Eating homemade pizza for supper tonight.
Texting my sister Sam about Supernatural. She’s way further along than I am (she’s on season 10) and likes to give me teasers about what’s coming up.
Going to a Tupperware party this weekend. I’m not big on them, but my SIL is hosting it, so I’ll play the nice family member.
Loving that the girls are waking up around 7am so that they can see Daddy before he goes to work during the week.
Hating that Dominique thinks that every day needs to start at 6:30am. Including weekends. Bleh.
Discovering that I love scrapbooking on the Project Life App (only available on iDevices). Makes everything much simpler for me and I don’t have to haul out anything!
Thinking of what to do for Valentine’s weekend. Maybe sending the kids away and having a night in for me and Keith.
Hoping (for) this weekend to go smoothly. I’m done nursing Dominique as of last night, so I’m hoping that she’ll adjust nicely to not getting nursed during the night. Wish me luck!
Listening (to) anything on my play list. It makes for a much happier house when there’s music going.
Thanking Keith for all the work he’s been doing lately to provide for us. He really is an awesome hubby/Daddy.
Starting to actually write in physical journals again. As much as I like typing everything out on the computer, it’s soothing/relaxing to write on paper, even if I don’t like my hand writing.
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