Currently | 8/52

Reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on my Kobo Touch. And lots of stories to Violet and Dominique.
Playing catch-up with journaling and scrapbooking. 
Watching not too much this week. We cut back how much cartoons the girls were getting and it seems to be improving the listening skills around here.
Cooking a couple more new recipes again. Love trying them out on my family and getting the reviews back. 
Eating anything I feel like.
Drinking lots of Cherry Dr. Pepper this week. Total weakness.
Doing nothing this weekend except spending time together as a family.
Going grocery shopping tonight and I’m torn on if I want to go by myself or as a family.
Loving how playful Dominique has gotten in these past couple weeks. So exciting!
Hating that Dominique is teething. Makes for a little bit of a tense house when she’s not happy about anything except being held 24/7 when she’s awake.
Discovering that there are WAY too many rainbow birthday party options on interest when it comes to planning Dominique’s 1st birthday in April.
Enjoying the progress that I’ve made on Dominique’s knitted rainbow blanket. It’s taking me a lot longer than it thought it would, but I still love sitting down and knitting whenever I get the chance. Maybe it will be done in time for her birthday in April??
Thinking of starting Violet with her writing of the alphabet (does that make sense?) She’s starting pre-school in September, and I’d like her to have a good head start.
Feeling refreshed in the mornings, now that everyone is sleeping through the night.
