Motherhood and Hobbies
I think I'm finally getting used to our new routines with 2 kids in the house now. Finally. It’s taken a while to figure out, and sometimes it still doesn't work. But for the most part, we've got it down pat. It’s only been just over 3 months…..
I've been very lucky that I have relatively easy kids for the most part. Yes, Violet has her temper tantrum days (and those are going down in number) and days where she is just awesome. Yes, there are days where Dominique makes me go absolutely batty and days where she is the most happiest baby on the planet. And everything in between. Would I trade in any of the bad days for more awesome days? Yes and no. Yes in that the awesome days are easier to deal with, but No because the bad days are learning days for all of us. Maybe it’s a bad day because of the weather, or too much running around, not enough stimulation, too much stimulation, etc. It’s all stuff that I can learn from and the kids grow from.
Right now though? I feel exhausted and tired. Keith’s been working overtime at work lately and once evening hits, if I don’t have any help, I'm done and beat. But my creative energy is going through the roof. I've currently got 4 Project Life albums going at once (our 2014, my Travel, Dominique’s and Violet’s), never mind that I started knitting again, thanks to reading some knitting blog posts at Elise Cripe’s blog. My first intent was to knit a blanket for each girl, but I need circular needles first and I don’t have any. So I ordered some from Amazon (just waiting for them to show up) and in the meantime, started knitting a scarf with my straight needles to keep my hands occupied while I watch TV. And it’s taken me 4 tries to get the width right, so hopefully this time will work.
Another crazy thing is that I've started to get the itch to start quilting. Except for a couple problems: 1) I have no clue how to quilt or even where to start; 2) I don’t own a sewing machine; 3) I’m crazy. But at least I have some ideas for if/when I do manage to get my hands on a sewing machine. For now I’ll stick with scrapbooking and knitting. Although Keith did look at me crazy when I started my knitting and just shook his head at me. Oh well.
Enough ranting for now? I think so.
I've been very lucky that I have relatively easy kids for the most part. Yes, Violet has her temper tantrum days (and those are going down in number) and days where she is just awesome. Yes, there are days where Dominique makes me go absolutely batty and days where she is the most happiest baby on the planet. And everything in between. Would I trade in any of the bad days for more awesome days? Yes and no. Yes in that the awesome days are easier to deal with, but No because the bad days are learning days for all of us. Maybe it’s a bad day because of the weather, or too much running around, not enough stimulation, too much stimulation, etc. It’s all stuff that I can learn from and the kids grow from.
Right now though? I feel exhausted and tired. Keith’s been working overtime at work lately and once evening hits, if I don’t have any help, I'm done and beat. But my creative energy is going through the roof. I've currently got 4 Project Life albums going at once (our 2014, my Travel, Dominique’s and Violet’s), never mind that I started knitting again, thanks to reading some knitting blog posts at Elise Cripe’s blog. My first intent was to knit a blanket for each girl, but I need circular needles first and I don’t have any. So I ordered some from Amazon (just waiting for them to show up) and in the meantime, started knitting a scarf with my straight needles to keep my hands occupied while I watch TV. And it’s taken me 4 tries to get the width right, so hopefully this time will work.
Enough ranting for now? I think so.
I am so looking forward to seeing those knitting projects when they are all done! I love knitted things! They are so pretty!