Pregnancy #2 Update: 38 weeks

What’s Happening:
2 weeks left to go!
Yes, I’m a bit impatient. This little one has been taking it’s toll on me these last few weeks, so pardon the lack of posting. The Braxton’s have started up in full force, mostly in the evenings, and it’s just making it harder (pun intended) to do things. Never mind that Baby has taken up permanent residency in my pelvis and making me waddle like a penguin right now. Oh, and water retention has set in, although I’m doing my best to combat it by drinking lots of water and staying hydrated. And trying to get as much sleep as possible, but when the bathroom calls your name every 2-3 hours, or your pelvis is hurting like a SOB, you don’t get that much restful sleep. But I still try, hence why I go down for a nap when Violet has her afternoon nap. 
And after seeing my delivery doctor a couple times in the last few weeks, she says that we are still on track for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)!! Yes! The only reason that Violet was a C-Section was because she was breeched, and Baby #2 is in the head-down position, right where he/she needs to be, so everything is a go! Because this one is a trial VBAC, they still do have to have a surgeon on stand-by, just in case I have to have a C-Section again, so prayers are much needed/welcomed that it won’t go that route and that I can have this baby the way that God intended.

Still on the fruit craving bandwagon. And chocolate. But more fruit. Violet’s actually been sharing her fruit with me lately, saying “Mommy try,” even though she likes what I gave her. Which is nice that even she’s making sure that Mommy and Baby have enough to eat right now. Speaking of fruit, time to raid the fridge again…..

The nesting has calmed down a bit, finally! The hospital bags are all packed and ready to go, car seat is installed, freezer meals are all made (about 11 in total), and Baby room is almost ready. Still need to do a bit more cleaning/organization in there, which would take me about ½ hour today to do. But I’m still baking/cooking up a storm. In which Violet’s been trying to help with that more lately. I think she just likes the end result of there being fresh-baked good for her to eat.

Hopefully next time I post an update, there will be a Baby included!

38 weeks pregnant.
