An Impending C-Section

Sigh. Where to begin?

I had my pre-natal appointment on Thursday (04/17/14) with my delivery doctor. She checked me over, checked to see if I was dilated (softening but no dilation) and then uttered some words that I didn't want to hear... "I'm not convinced that I'm feeling a head down there."

Not Again.....

She checked my stomach again and wasn't convinced that Baby was head down. Even though so far (until today), she's been convinced that he/she has been head down. And because according to my ultrasound, I'm due on Wednesday, she wanted to get me into a quick ultrasound to see where Baby was and then we'd have to determine from there about what to do. Luckily the hospital was able to get me in within the next half hour, so with Violet in hand, we went over to the hospital. On our way there, I was praying that Baby would be in the proper position and everything would be fine. Rather safe than sorry, right?

They fit me in between patients and did a quick ultrasound. Unfortunately, Baby was sitting on his/her bum, head up near my ribs. And it looked like no chance of Baby turning, as my uterus was pretty tight.

I knew right away what that meant. And I started to cry. I was so hoping to avoid a repeat C-Section and have this baby naturally. So disappointed. Violet was enthralled with the images on the ultrasound, but as soon as the tears started falling, she gave me a couple hugs and kisses, just trying to make Mommy feel better.

The ultrasound tech said that she'd get this info over to my doctor right away as they would want to schedule a C-Section as soon as possible.

I called Keith and left a message for him once we were back in the car (he was at work when I had my appointment, hence why Violet was with me). And when we pulled back into the drive-way, I just sat in the car, hurting from losing my dream again and just bawled. Finally pulled myself together after a couple minutes (Violet was waiting patiently in her car seat), got us both inside, fed and both down for naps.

Keith called me back once he was out of his meetings for the day and I let him know the news. And bawled some more.

When Keith got home, we talked about it some more and he was thinking the same thing that I was. Maybe God has a reason why this one is a C-Section and not natural. I just hurt a lot that I was losing this dream that I've had since finding out that we were pregnant again, as Violet was breeched and a C-Section.

My doctor called on Friday and said that Baby was definitely on his/her bum and that they would most likely schedule a C-Section for this upcoming week. They were just waiting to hear back from the surgeon as to when and then we'd go ahead from there. I asked her if there was a possibility of doing a breech delivery. But because of the previous C-Section, there would be more of a risk to me of the incision tearing. And no doctor in my town does breech deliveries. I'd have to go to the city and she said even then, it would be a slight chance that a doctor would want to do a breech delivery with a previous C-Section. Boo to living in a small town.

Now to wait until Monday and find out when Baby will be making their appearance.
