Date Night
Seeing as this weekend is Canada Day long weekend with Canada Day tomorrow, me and Keith decided to capitalize on this opportunity together. We had made plans a couple days ago to go to the city, have some supper and watch a movie. One of our tenants was gracious and kind enough to give us a free date voucher (he had gotten quite a few in the mail) so that we could go see a movie. I had already talked to my Dad and he said that him and J would take Violet for the night as they haven't had her for a while. Sweet! Once Violet was dropped off, we headed into the city. We were going to see Now You See Me, but Keith twisted my rubber arm into seeing Man of Steel! Best hubby ever! And since we needed a quick supper, we decided to go to Boston Pizza for a bite. Ordered the Buffalo BBQ Chicken Pizza and had some good conversation while we ate. After we were done eating, we headed to the movie theatre. Got our tickets, although we had to pay the extra to see it in 3D. Oh well. And as we had...