
Showing posts from June, 2013

Date Night

Seeing as this weekend is Canada Day long weekend with Canada Day tomorrow, me and Keith decided to capitalize on this opportunity together. We had made plans a couple days ago to go to the city, have some supper and watch a movie. One of our tenants was gracious and kind enough to give us a free date voucher (he had gotten quite a few in the mail) so that we could go see a movie. I had already talked to my Dad and he said that him and J would take Violet for the night as they haven't had her for a while. Sweet! Once Violet was dropped off, we headed into the city. We were going to see Now You See Me, but Keith twisted my rubber arm into seeing Man of Steel! Best hubby ever! And since we needed a quick supper, we decided to go to Boston Pizza for a bite. Ordered the Buffalo BBQ Chicken Pizza and had some good conversation while we ate. After we were done eating, we headed to the movie theatre. Got our tickets, although we had to pay the extra to see it in 3D. Oh well. And as we had...

Project Life 2013 - Week 25

Welcome to Week 25 (June 16-22) of Project Life!   We had a very busy week this week and I had a hard time picking out a favorite photo by the end. But I did it!   Overall look of Week 25. Left page   The weekly card is from the PL Seafoam kit with my writing on there.   I took a favorite photo from every day, except Saturday as I wrote up our grocery list, edited it in PicTapGo on the iPhone as that's what I used to take all my photos this week. I mainly used the Sweet Tooth filter on all the photos to brighten them up some more. Really love that app!!   Then I took the daily memory brushes from Ali Edwards Embracing the Everyday digital stamp set. I re-sized them to fit and recolored them as they come in black and I wanted them to pop out a bit more. Love how it turned out! Up-close of some of the photos on the left page. Right page   On the right page I've got a pass for the beach that we went to on Wednesday. Violet did not like cold beach...

Project Life 2013 - Weeks 23-24

Welcome to Project Life - Weeks 23-24. As summer has arrived, our days are slowly getting filled with stuff to do and not enough time sometimes to catch up. Violet is growing so fast right before my eyes! I can't believe that in 4 months she'll be 2 years old! My how time flies. Overall look of Week 23. Sorry about the light glare. That's the problem of not having enough natural light in the house to photograph and you have to do it under florescent lights. Bummer. I really like how this came together. Just enough photos and words. And lots of writing on photos. The title card for Week 23 is from the Project Life Cinnamon Kit . Love it! I don't remember when the top journal card is from. I found it in an old scrapbook and it wasn't filled out yet. Bonus! The bottom journal card is from Project Life Clementine Kit. Lots more writing on photos. I like how it adds to the story and yet doesn't take up another space. Top journal card is from Project Life Baby Girl ...

Weekend | June 14-16, 2013

Friday started out nice and relaxing. Was able to do quite a bit of Bible devotions before Violet woke up around 8. And of course the usual breakfast and play-time. Babysat Payton for a little bit while Brody and Madison were at swimming lessons. He LOVED being in the exersaucer! And Violet was showering him in kisses like usual. Brett and the kids stopped by after swimming was done and let all the kids play around a bit. And Brett showed me how ticklish Payton is. Adorable! After they left I quickly did  dishes and got supper ready for tomorrow and then sat down to lunch with Violet. Nap-time followed shortly after and I worked on some Project Life stuff and Violet's Rag Rug. It's slowly coming along! And so proud to report that Violet stayed in her big bed for her nap-time all this week! Guess next week she'll move to the big bed for night-time as well. Once Keith got home and Violet was up from her nap, we piled in the car to drop Violet off at Keith's Dad's plac...

Weekend | June 7-9,2013:

Friday was a nice relaxing day today. Had Payton in the morning and Violet was so happy that he came by. After Natalie picked him up, me and Violet went grocery shopping. $93 later.... At least I scored some good deals, including bananas that were on sale for $0.59/lb. Woot! Quickly stopped by The Scrapbook Cottage after shopping was done. Good thing too because they were having a sale on that I didn't know about, so I decided  to buy some stuff for stamping as I've never really done scrapbook stamping before and thought that maybe it could add a little "oomph" to some stuff. Grabbed a couple stamps and an ink pad while Violet was at total ease when we were in the store, just walking around, bringing me random stuff (and put it back when I asked her). Awesome kid. The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent lazing around. On the bonus side, I finally finished cutting up all the fabric for Violet's Rag Rug and while I was watching Sherlock during Violet's nap, ...

Project Life 2013 - Weeks 20-22

Welcome to Project Life Week 20-22! I know I said that I'd try to update on a weekly basis, but with a toddler that requires constant attention (and seriously, as I typed this, Violet went and put her handprints on the TV *facepalm*) a house that also requires cleaning and organizing and a hubby who also requires *attention*, I just promise to update when I can. K?    Layout for Week 20 (May 12-18, 2013). Title card is from Retro Collection with the Eliza Jane font. I forgot to print out a 3x4 photo for the top. I'll add it soon. Journal cards down the middle are from: Recollection (from Michaels); Project Life Honey Edition ; Sn@p Studio by Simple Stories. The Life Amazing filler card is from Sna@p Studios by Simple Stories .   The write-up that I did for Mother's Day. Card is from Simple Stories Sn@p Studio collection.      Violet's word from this week. I love how her vocabulary is expanding. Some of the words I just heard come out of her mouth, others she...