Week in the Life 2019 - Monday Words & Photos

5:30am | Even though I have no daycare kids today, I still get up and out of a nice warm bed (and a snuggly hubby) to grab a hot cup of coffee, sit down with my planner, journal and book study. Getting up early before all the kids get up has been really nice, especially because it means that I can focus on my book study/journaling and get some thoughts down on paper without constant interruptions around me. And the hot coffee is always a bonus.

6:30am | I hear Zach yelling "Go!" from his room, so I get him up and put on some Paw Patrol so that I can finish up the last little bit of journal I have left and then get him his breakfast ready and a quick tidy up of the kitchen. I also get up Violet and Keith (Dominique is at Grandma W's for the night) and then start getting laundry ready (which includes my bedding and Zach's bedding), getting changed and everything ready for the day.

8:30am | Keith leaves for work, Violet leaves for school and me and Zach have a bit of time to kill before going to a Mom's group this morning. I work on some laundry and dishes while Zach and the dogs play around. I also realize that I have my monthly Mom's Group this morning, so I quickly grab everything that I needed for the 2 of us and head out the door.

10am | Got to the Mom's Group that is held at my childhood home church on time, put Zach in the nursery. he was completely pissed off with me and screamed bloody murder at me when I left. Thankfully my best friend's daughter was there and was able to work her magic on him. I got to enjoy some good food and good conversation.

12pm | With Mom's Group done, me and Zach head home for lunch and wait for Dominique to get home from Grandma's place. I let the dogs out, switch laundry around and grab a snack lunch for Zach. Dominique gets home, stuffs her face full of food and grabs some stuff to keep her occupied while I put Zach down for a nap.

1:30pm | Finally sit down on the couch with some iced tea, my knitting, a podcast (currently listening to Mother Like A Boss) and Dominique had her "quiet time" at the table, which of course didn't last long until she was asking to play Minecraft. I try snuggling with her, but she's too restless.

3pm | Zach is up from his nap and talking very loudly in his playpen, so me and Dominique go get him up. Of course as soon as he's out, he runs to the girl's room, opens the door, bolts for a bin of Lego's that is within reach and dumps it all over the floor. Thankfully he's really good with the Lego and just sits there building towers all day long. Violet gets home from school and the girls start on folding their laundry (yes, I'm the Mom that makes my 7 & 5 yr old's do their own laundry) while I start getting stuff ready for supper.

5:30pm | Keith is home and we sit down for supper, which is followed by me cleaning the kitchen and giving Zach a bath while the girls go outside to pick up puppy poop and run around like crazy screaming banshees for a bit before they have to come in for bath time. Violet also leaves me a nice little treat of some of her Easter candy at my spot.

7:30pm | All the kids bathed and brushing their teeth. Zach goes to bed with little fuss and then I go sot with the girls in their bunk bed while Violet reads a chapter from Farmer Boy. Once she's done, both girls get tucked in, prayers, hugs & kisses and goodnights.

8:15pm | I make me & Keith some tea, prep the coffee maker for tomorrow, put my pajama's on and curl up on the couch to update my WITL journal and work on some knitting.

| Managed to get a couple rows done for my Day 35 of #100daysofcreativeprojects. Its always nice to be able to relax in the evening with some knitting.

Numbers by the Day
Steps: 7,529 steps
Hours Slept: 6hr 16min
Cups of coffee: 4
Cups of water: 2
Loads of Laundry: 5
Rounds of dishes: 2
Texts/Messages: 22
Calls: 0
Photos (before edit): 41
Photos (after edit): 22
