Proejct Life 2013 - Week 37

Welcome to Project Life 2013 -Week 37 (September 9-15)

This week was Week in the Life, and although I'm not finished my actual album yet (!!!), I did a quite layout for this week in PL. No photos, just a card for each day with what I was grateful for and some filler cards to fill up the spaces.

Title Card: Ali Edwards Embracing the Everyday
Overlays: A Vegas Girl Days of the Week overlays

Left side of layout.
The Title Card is from Ali Edwards Embracing the Everyday. Each day of the week is from A Vegas Girl Days of the Week Overlays. I decided to stick with the same thing this time around just some uniformity. The filler cards here are from (from left to right): PL Cinnamon Kit, there's a blank space for a card that is in the binder, but I don't have digitally, and a quote that I found online.

Right side of layout
Same setup over here, just used a card from PL Seafoam Kit, another blank space for one I don't have digitally, and another quote I found online. Both layouts are Design Q.
Come back tomorrow for another layout!
