Dear Violet | 2 years

10 Things Right Now - 2 Years Old

1) You are so very happy most days. You always greet Mommy in the morning with a big smile and exclaiming “Mommy!” and always have morning hugs ready
2) You’re doing awesome on the potty training front and even starting to tell Mommy or Daddy when you have to go, by saying “pee” or “bum.”
3) You love building things with your Lego and build all sorts of towers all over the house and when you’re done, you proudly show Mommy and Daddy.
4) You love taking showers with Mommy and exclaim “Sha!” when Mommy says that she needs to take a shower. You’ll gladly hop in and play in the water while Mommy cleans up and just love it in there. And say “All done!” when we’re done
5) Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. You ask to holds “Hands” at the table before we eat, as well as for bedtime prayers. “All done!” is a favourite of yours. As well as “Tah” for your Teddy Bear and “Wa” for anything to drink or playing in water. “Tickle” is also a favourite when you’re trying to tickle someone. “Papa” is for all your Grandpa’s whom you run to when you see them. “Nummies” for when you need food.
6) Your not a big fan of socks and only wear them if you have to wear shoes. Of if the floor is cold. Otherwise, you’re barefoot all the time.
7) You also love to help Mommy find your clothes for the day and go into your pants drawer and pick out pants for you to wear while Mommy grabs a shirt from the closet. And you’re learning how to get them on.
8) Still have a love of shoes and will gladly put on anybody’s shoes that you can find. And when Mommy says that we’re going somewhere and to grab your socks and shoes, you run to your room, grab a pair of socks and then run to your shoes and try to put them on.
9) You love tickle fights with Daddy and squeal with glee when he comes to get you. You also love to play hide-n-seek with Daddy and hide in the laundry closet and then scream in joy when he finds you.
10) You love playing with your cousins and Mommy hears shrieks of joy when you see them coming to the house to play with you.

