Day in the Life 2013 - March 30-31

Welcome to March 2013 Day in the life.

My original intent for this month was to document the entire Easter Weekend. Mainly because we were all home together on Friday and had gatherings all weekend, plus me working. Except for the fact that I totally forgot on Friday until after lunch. So I just documented Saturday and Sunday. Still worked out in the end.

 Left side of layout - March 30, 2013

Right side of layout - March 30, 2013

It was a bit harder to document the weekend, due to me working both days (boo!), but it was interesting to say the least.

Left side of layout - March 31, 2013

Right side of layout - March 31, 2013

And I'm excited that I got to capture both big Easter gatherings. I missed documenting a lot last year, but now that V is walking and running all on her own, I don't need to keep such an eye on her.

As you can tell, I didn't add any extra embellishments at all. I sat down Monday evening and did both these layouts, plus finished up a couple from Project Life. Now I'm all caught up!
