Project Life 2013 - Week 14-15

All caught up again! Week 14 left side The Orange Filler Card is from the Texture Card Set . The "Week 14" alphas are Icy Alphas . The font is Kristen ITC. This is Design D of Project Life. Yes, Violet spend most of Saturday dragging Rainbow Dash around. She absolutely adores her. And look at the size comparison between Violet and Payton! They're only 14 months apart! I've also be working lots lately. Only in the evenings (maximum 2 evening a week) once Keith is home from work and on the weekends, but now it looks like I'm the evening/weekend baker! Woot! Week 14 right side of layout. Week 15 left side The Filler Card is from Damayanti Sun And Fun Journal Cards . Font is Knights Templar. There was a lot of listening to iTunes nice and loud in the house this week. Violet really loves it as I don't have the TV on unless we're watching it. Also lots of reading this week. Week 15 right side. The "love this" arrow is available ...