Week in the Life 2015 - Saturday

Welcome to Saturdays Week in the Life! Almost done!

Again, it was a crazy day today, so this post is up late. But at least it's recorded!

Here we go!

Saturdays are for waking up really early. I work the early morning shift at my work, and while it's nice to be off early (it's usually a 5am-1pm, or 6am-2pm), it still sucks waking up before the sun is even up.

Saturday's are for having a good breakfast being work. In this case, sausage wrap and chocolate milk. At least it will keep me going until my first break.

Saturdays are also for playing Clash of Clans during breaks at work.

This Saturday was for getting drenched in the downpour on my way home from work on my scooter. I was literally dripping water when I walked in.

Saturday are for good naptimes, especially when she leaves the light on and passes out for a bit.

Saturdays also include lots of dishes and a bit of a messy kitchen.

This Saturday included lots of rain. 

Saturdays are for toys strewn all over the house.

This Saturday was for putting Dominique's hair into a small ponytail. She absolutely loved it and kept climbing back into my lap to have me re-do it a couple times.

Saturdays are for reading lots of books. This little one loves it. 

Saturdays are for little sister bugging big sister to wake up. Actually, Dominique does this almost every day to Violet, but it's still sweet to see.

Saturdays are for lots of playing together because we couldn't go outside because of the heavy amount of rain.

Saturdays are for this little one figuring out how to eat with my big spoon.

Saturdays call for more dishes.

This Saturday night is for watching another storm roll in.

Saturday nights are for DANCE PARTIES!!
