December Daily 2014 | Days 10-12

Welcome to Days 10-12 of December Daily!

I know I said that I'd be caught up over the past weekend, but then Nique got sick and didn't want to sleep at night, never mind everything else as well. Oh well. 

Day 10:
The journalling is pretty self-explanatory. It was nice to be able to get out of the house for a couple hours with the girls and let them play with other kids around their age. Violet was the oldest one and she did great playing with the two 2-year-olds that were there. Some days that girls amazes me with how responsible she can be at such a young age. 

Day 11:
For today, I actually didn't have a Christmas-related story or anything of the like. I had only taken these 2 photos, so when it came time to put the layout together, I was a bit stumped. And then it hit me. Why not make a layout of one major thing the girls did today? And it worked and I had the photos to go along with it.

Day 12:
The journalling is pretty self explanatory. Violet loved watching the Silhouette cut everything out and helped me put them up on the windows afterwards.

I will try to be caught up in the next couple days, but I'm not making any promises on that. Tonnes of stuff to do around the house + kids + holiday prep = craziness.
