I Want to Remember | Violet

I want to remember you pretending to be a monster wrapped up in your monster towel, running around the house going “rawr!”

I want to remember how unconditionally you love your little sister. You wake up first thing in the morning and automatically ask if Dom is awake. And if she is, you’re in her room, saying “Morning Dominique!”
I Want to Remember how much you love having tickle fights with Daddy. Even though you ask him to stop multiple times, you always go back for me and it makes me so happy to see that.

I Want to Remember the millions of questions you ask and repeat over and over again. I’m glad that you’re inquisitive and asking questions. And if it’s a mundane question, I come up with hilarious ways to answer them for you and make you laugh.
I Want to Remember how much you love to help me in the kitchen when making lunch/supper. You always have to be standing on your chair, watching me and waiting for me to give you the mixing spoon so that you can stir. And always asking questions as to what I’m doing or making.

I Want to Remember the love that you have for your Grandparents and how much you love to play with them. Especially Papa Wiebe and Grandpa Neufeld. And how much you love to go shopping with Grandma Wiebe. I’m glad you have so many grandparents to chose from.
I Want to Remember how you’re trying to help me kill crickets in the house right now. Mommy kills at least 2 a day and you’re right beside me, helping me look for them and when I find one and kill you, you go “Mommy got cricket!”
I Want to Remember that when you’re playing right now, Tea Time is the best. You’ll grab whatever kitchen you have and bring it up to me and go “tea time Mommy,” and I have to give it a sip and tell you how good you made the tea this time. Same thing for when you’re “making food” and ask me to sample it.
