Dear Dominique | 5 months

 Dear Dominique:
Oh my girl, 5 months old already?! You still amaze me with how much you’ve grown in the past month and continue to grow and learn.
You’ve mastered the rolling around everywhere routine and just love it when I leave you in one spot in the living room and when I come back a couple minutes later, you’re a couple feet away from where I left you. Luckily your big sister Violet is very watchful over you and makes sure that you’re OK when you’re rolling around.
 You also like taking naps with Mommy in the big bed when we’re having a rough day and enjoy the cuddles that you get from everyone.
We also just started you on pureed foods (so far avocado and banana), and you love it! You gobbled it down in no time and I’m starting to get scared for the future grocery bills.
Love you to the Moon and back Baby Girl.
