Around Here | 39/52

Reading nothing this week. Not sure why, but just haven’t gotten around to reading, except with Violet at bedtime. Then it’s Green Eggs and Ham. Every. Single. Night.
Playing a bit too much Farm Heroes Saga on my iPhone.
Watching lots of My Little Pony with Violet.
Trying to keep on working on Violet’s knit blanket. It’s slowly coming along.
Cooking more freezer meals.
Eating lots of chocolate chip cookies. And anything pumpkin.
Drinking Earl Grey tea, Pumpkin Spice Brulee tea and water.
Doing lots of catch-up journaling again. How did I fall almost a month behind again?
Going for more walks in the evenings with Keith and the girls.
Loving the Fall weather that has come to Manitoba. Love the trees turning colour and the cool air.
Hating that Fall gives way to Winter. Can’t it just stay Fall until Spring?
Discovering pure and simple joy again, such as watching Violet ride her tricycle to the park all by herself the other day. Proud mama heart here.
Enjoying my quiet mornings before the girls wake up for the day.
Listening (to) Violet talk 300 miles an hour about My Little Pony, going on the candy train and picking up her cousins and random stuff that (almost) 3-year-olds talk about.
Celebrating that Keith got a new job and starts after our Canadian Thanksgiving. Yeah!!
