Dear Dominique // 1 Month
Dear Dominique:
Today marks your 1-month birthday! When they say time flies with babies, they’re not kidding! It still amazes me that you are here and I’m very blessed by that.
Right now you’re on a pretty regular sleep/eat schedule. You’re up 1-2 times a night (usually around 1:30am and 5am) for full feedings and diaper changes. Then you usually don’t wake up until 8:30 for another full feeding and sometimes awake time for about an hour or so.
During your awake time, you like to be held a lot, or if you’re on the floor, swaddled very tightly, with the arms in. You do not like being lose at all, and gets very mad if your blanket gets undone (so very different from Violet as she hated being wrapped all the time).
You’re very alert for only a month old and likes to try to view everything when you can, especially Violet. And is also very content when there’s music on or we’re watching a movie with Violet.
You’re also not a big fan of the pacifier, unless you’re in the car seat and travelling. Most of the time, you spit it out after a couple minutes.
You’re also very noisy in your sleep, which keeps Mommy awake at night sometimes.
And Violet loves you unconditionally, constantly giving her kisses and asking to hold you. You are so very loved by your big sister.
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