Around Here

Celebrating 6 years of marriage together, today. Here's to many more years of insanity babe!

Getting sleep at night as it seems that Dominique is my night-sleeping baby. Not kidding, average of 4-6 hours in a stretch at night.

Loving how much Violet loves her baby sister. Always giving her kisses, asking to hold her and if she's eating or sleeping.

Listening to Violet talk more and more each day. And loving it. 

Healing from the C-Section. Still have some swelling, but no infections and it gets better when I'm walking and moving.

Waiting to be completely healed so that I can take the girls to the park, let Violet play outside and let Dominique get some sunshine.

Dreaming of my future craft room, which will be coming to fruition in late June/early July when our renter moves out. So many ideas!

Breat-feeding like a pro. Also helps that I have a very supportive hubby in this venture. And that Dom took to it like nothing.

Writing in the girl's journals. Fell behind on Violet's by a month, so now it's catch-up time.

Scrapbooking the girl's 1-year albums (Violet's is almost done, just started on Dominique's) and keeping on top of my 2014 and almost done 2012.

Photographing every moment with my family that I can.
