
Showing posts from May, 2014

Dear Dominique // 1 Month

Dear Dominique: Today marks your 1-month birthday! When they say time flies with babies, they’re not kidding! It still amazes me that you are here and I’m very blessed by that. Right now you’re on a pretty regular sleep/eat schedule. You’re up 1-2 times a night (usually around 1:30am and 5am) for full feedings and diaper changes. Then you usually don’t wake up until 8:30 for another full feeding and sometimes awake time for about an hour or so. During your awake time, you like to be held a lot, or if you’re on the floor, swaddled very tightly, with the arms in. You do not like being lose at all, and gets very mad if your blanket gets undone (so very different from Violet as she hated being wrapped all the time). You’re very alert for only a month old and likes to try to view everything when you can, especially Violet. And is also very content when there’s music on or we’re watching a movie with Violet. You’re also not a big fan of the pacifier, unless you’re in the car seat and tr...

Project Life 2014 - Weeks 16-19

Week 16: What we did: Took Violet out to see the foals at my sister's barn; had a family date to Mongo's; Keith painted an WarHammer Ork pink just for me; 39 weeks pregnant and pre-natal appointment where we found out that Dom was breeched. Supplies Used: All journal cards from  Project Life Midnight Kit ; Title card is  Messy Weekly Lines  with the font Enigma Scrawl for the date. The "Date Night" stamp is from  Date Night Brushes & Stamps. Week 17: What we did: Lots of playing around; my Dad's 50th birthday; Dominique born via C-Section and spending 2 days in the hospital; lots of visitors to see Dom; Keith off work to help me around the house while I recover. Supplies Used: Title card is  Messy Weekly Lines  with the font Never Grow Up for the date; Journal cards are from  Project Life Midnight Kit ; Just Arrived card is a RAK from my PL pen-pal; Filler cards are from  Project Life Baby Girl Kit . Week 18: What we did: More visitors (ma...

How My 2-year Old Shaved 10 Years Off My Life in 1 Week

Who knew that toddlers were really good at shaving 10 years off your life in 1 week, with 2 separate incidents? Incident #1: Mother's Day, May 11, 2014 Around 9pm, Violet was having her night-snack while Keith was getting his stuff ready for work and I was re-settling Dominique for bed. I heard a crash come from the kitchen and Violet crying. So I quickly ran in there and found Violet laying on the floor. I picked her up and she cried a bit and then went completely limp in my arms. I don't think I've ever screamed her name that loudly. Keith was right there beside me and grabbed her from me. Luckily she came to, and Keith grabbed his wallet and keys to take her to the hospital to check her over (I had to stay home as Dom was sleeping) . While I was waiting for them to get back, I was just hoping and praying that she'd be OK. They got back in just over an hour and I heard the best sound all day, "Hi Mommy! Home!" From what Keith said, the doctor said that she...

Around Here

Celebrating 6 years of marriage together, today. Here's to many more years of insanity babe! Getting  sleep at night as it seems that Dominique is my night-sleeping baby. Not kidding, average of 4-6 hours in a stretch at night. Loving  how much Violet loves her baby sister. Always giving her kisses, asking to hold her and if she's eating or sleeping. Listening  to Violet talk more and more each day. And loving it.  Healing  from the C-Section. Still have some swelling, but no infections and it gets better when I'm walking and moving. Waiting  to be completely healed so that I can take the girls to the park, let Violet play outside and let Dominique get some sunshine. Dreaming  of my future craft room, which will be coming to fruition in late June/early July when our renter moves out. So many ideas! Breat-feeding  like a pro. Also helps that I have a very supportive hubby in this venture. And that Dom took to it like nothing. Writing  in the g...

Baby #2 Birth Story

In follow-up to my last post about the impending C-Section, here's the birth story of my second daughter, Dominique. As mentioned in my last post, Baby #2 was going to be a repeat C-Section due to the fact that he/she was breeched, yet again. I swear I have stubborn kids. I got a call Monday morning (April 21) for an appointment to see the surgeon that afternoon. You can bet I was definitely stressing at this point, as this was not how I wanted things to go. And to make matters worse, Violet picked up on my stress and was just a handful to deal with. Not a good combination.  The surgeon appointment went well and because it was Easter Monday, he couldn't book the surgery right away, but said that I should get a call tomorrow morning letting me know when the surgery is. Tuesday morning I go the call from the hospital saying that the surgery was planned for 8am Wednesday morning (April 23). Good thing I had already planned where Violet was going for the next couple nights/days as ...