Day in the Life - April 30, 2013
So, seeing as Tuesday was the last day of April, time for Day in the Life!
I actually forgot to write quite a bit down, mainly after supper-time and didn't take a whole lot of photos. And to boot, I almost forgot about today! Oops. I still haven't made the scrapbook page for it, so I'm just posting the photos with some captions.
Morning smiles
Finally getting spring around here after a too-long winter
The days to-do list
V showing off her drawing/coloring skills
I was washing all the handprints/kisses off of the front window, someone decided to join me in cleaning up her mess. Shortly after they were all cleaned? Handprint. I give up keeping windows clean.
Rained all day. And because of the snow melting, our corner flooded (again).
Working with V on her number board. She's getting pretty good at putting the numbers in the right places and she's only 18 months old!
Out for a walk in between rain falls.
V showing off her fork skills. She was especially proud of this.
V playing with Aunt Lisa before Girl's Night started.
Really? After all the rain we got today, now snow??!!??
6:45am - Keith out the door for work, me and V still sleeping.
8:00 am - V wakes up and promptly wakes me up by calling for me. Get dressed, get V out of bed, dressed and get breakfast ready.
8:15am - Breakfast of milk and honeycombs cereal for V while I make the day’s to-do list and make myself some Earl Grey tea. Yummy!
8:45am - V done breakfast and comes to sit in my lap while I go through recipes for next week’s menu
9:00am - Start cleaning up the kitchen, putting everything away and looking for more ways to make the kitchen more functional
9:45am - Dance around the kitchen with V to “Good Morning” by Mandisa
10:00am - Finished snack time. V goes off to play while I tidy up the kitchen some more, including the huge mess on the kitchen table and putting away Keith’s WarHammer stuff
10:45am - Take V to the potty again. Unfortunately she went in her diaper before she got on the potty. But we’re getting there!
11:00am - Finally done cleaning everything up in the kitchen. Phew! Play with V for a bit.
11:15am - Glance through the IKEA catalogue for some ideas for the house. Still dreaming away.
11:30am - Watch V play around the living room while I clean the living room windows and dust the TV stand. V helps me “clean” the windows.
12:00pm - Lunch time! Leftovers for both of us.
12:15pm - Get V ready to go out, put her in the stroller and go for a walk. We both need it and need to get outside, even if it’s a bit wet.
1:00pm - Get home from walk. Put V to bed and check some things on the computer. Download some more Project Life digital kits and type up/find recipes from cookbooks that I’m getting rid of
3:15pm - V wakes up from her nap. Feed her a snack of Popcorn Twists while I quickly vacuum the house.
3:30pm - Snack time done. V goes to play with her toys while I start to get supper ready.
3:45pm - Realize that I don’t have everything to make supper for tonight (Ham & Rice Bake), so I go to my back-up plan, Fish & Chips.
4:00pm - Keith/Daddy home! V keeps calling his name and playing “tag” with him. She’s always so happy to see him come home. Supper in the oven and family play-time commences.
4:45pm - Supper out of the oven and Keith realizes that he has to go back to work after supper to do something that he needed to do before month-end was done. Boo!
5:00pm - While eating supper, me and Keith discussed his work and came to the conclusion that it was best for the entire family to find something else. All this stress and missed time with family is not worth it.
5:15pm - Keith go back to work while me and V finish up our supper and play around.
6:00pm - Bath-time for V. I read her 1 chapter of The Hobbit while she plays in the tub.
6:30pm - Bath-time done. Watch 2 episodes of My Little Pony on Netflix while we wait for Daddy to come back home and for Lisa to show up for Girl’s Night.
7:00pm - Daddy home! He sits down with us to watch Ponies and spend time with us.
7:30pm - Lisa shows up. Keith goes into his Hobby Room while V decides that Aunt Lisa is the best thing ever and wants to sit with her.
8:00pm - V has her snack-time of 2 chocolate chip cookies and just talks while eating them. Silly goose.
8:30pm - V goes into bed with no fuss! I return to my Girl’s Night and Keith returns to his Hobby Room to play on his computer.
8:45pm - Sabrina shows up for Girl’s Night and we’re all good! Especially since I had Chocolate Chip Cookies out for everyone. And they cleaned me out!
11:15pm - Girl’s Night done. Sabrina and Lisa head home and I crawl into bed.
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