Project Life 2013 - Week 2

Here's Week 2 of Project Life.

Let's just say that this week was a bit boring. Me and Keith both got the stomach flu that went around. Luckily Violet didn't get it. Phew! And then I got a nasty cold which kicked me back onto my butt. I swear this week hated me.

Oh, and to top it all off?! My car blew up. Well, actually, the engine did. Not quite the way I wanted to start 2013 off.

Project Life 2013 - Week 2-1 photo PL2013-Week2-1_zpsb17891c5.jpg
Left side of layout

Project Life 2013 - Week 2-2 photo PL2013-Week2-2_zpsbbdda6d1.jpg
Right side of layout
