Week in the Life 2020 | Tuesday Words & Photos

Around Here, we’re up early as usual. As of course, that means Zach is up early as well and eating his breakfast.

Around Here, Zach helps Daddy get ready for work and get his morning tickles in.

Around Here, Violet and my niece Madison get dropped off around 6:30am, after spending the night at Grandma’s place. They go join Zach in the living room and watch some cartoons.

Around Here, I had to get Dominique up so that we could start the day.

Around Here, it’s garbage day, so while the big kids were eating breakfast, I took all the garbage and recycling out to the curb. Very thankful that our city didn’t stop garbage pick-up amid this whole COVID-19 pandemic.

Around Here, I finish uploading and working on yesterday’s photos while Zach puts his puzzles together and the girls watch Frozen 2.

Around Here, I make my usual breakfast of eggs & toast and then get started on cleaning up the kitchen, while Zach invades the fridge for 2nd breakfast.

Around Here, my Mom stops by for some coffee on her work break, and I get my daycare charge for the day.

Around Here, I get to splitting up the avocado, while the girls play Minecraft.

Around Here, I quickly clean Zach’s room (with his help) and then get to making lunch of Mac & Cheese with Chicken Nuggets.

Around Here, the girls do dishes after lunch, while I finish feeding Thomas and let Zach give him a bottle before nap time.

Around Here, me & Keith have a hilarious text exchange. True Love. Lol.

Around Here, both little kids are in bed, so I rest on the couch and snuggle a bit with Dominique while Violet & Madison play Minecraft.

Around Here, I kick the kids outside to play and yell their lungs out (it was starting to get a bit loud inside) and Madison got stuck in the toy car, so I had to go rescue her.

Around Here, Keith gets home from work and plays some EVE Online to decompress, while I make us some coffee, as we both need it.

Around Here, Dominique always helps me make supper, even if it is just supervising me.

Around Here, all 4 kids (Madison got picked up) were playing nicely together. I think Thomas was enjoying the extra attention.

Around Here, Violet decided that she wanted to do her daily reading before supper, as she didn’t get to this morning.

Around Here, I tried a new recipe for supper (Chicken, Rice & Broccoli Casserole), which turned out pretty good.

Around Here, I got the girls to clean up the kitchen (it’s been their daily chore for quite a while, but even more so because school’s been out since March because of COVID-19) and then we got outside to do some yard work and clean up the area that we’ll be turning into a garden.

Around Here, I get kids ready for bed and do nightly prayers with them.

Around Here, I sit down at my computer once all the kids are in bed with some Dr. Pepper and a snack and upload all of the photos on my phone. Then I go sit with Keith on the couch and watch the first episode of Dead to Me on Netflix before going to bed.
