
Showing posts from 2020

Week in the Life 2020 | Wednesday Words & Photos

Fact of life right now is that Zach was up really early this morning. 4:30am to be precise. Although he fell out of bed and woke up crying for me that he bumped his head. I tried going back to bed after getting him settled again, but Keith’s alarm went off 5 minutes after I crawled back in, and then Zach woke up 10 minutes after that. Feeling like I needed a creative outlet, so I hopped on my laptop and updated yesterday’s WITL blog post while Zach watched cartoons and the girls slept. Feeling grateful that the girls slept through all of Zach’s shenanigans this morning and got right to it as soon as they woke up. I love the feeling of a good hot shower in the morning while the kids have breakfast. Got my hair washed, properly dressed and make-up on! Taking care of myself like this in the morning always helps me feel more productive and have a better attitude throughout the day. I love the fact that the girls help out with daily chores. To...

Week in the Life 2020 | Tuesday Words & Photos

Around Here , we’re up early as usual. As of course, that means Zach is up early as well and eating his breakfast. Around Here , Zach helps Daddy get ready for work and get his morning tickles in. Around Here , Violet and my niece Madison get dropped off around 6:30am, after spending the night at Grandma’s place. They go join Zach in the living room and watch some cartoons. Around Here , I had to get Dominique up so that we could start the day. Around Here , it’s garbage day, so while the big kids were eating breakfast, I took all the garbage and recycling out to the curb. Very thankful that our city didn’t stop garbage pick-up amid this whole COVID-19 pandemic. Around Here , I finish uploading and working on yesterday’s photos while Zach puts his puzzles together and the girls watch Frozen 2. Around Here , I make my usual breakfast of eggs & toast and then get started on cleaning up the kitchen, while Zach invades the fridge ...